Friday, May 29, 2009

I say Give It Right On time!

The biggest Hoo-ha of my undergraduate-end-of-semester-result-collecting-period.

Of all things to have struck, the last thing i'd have thought about was NOT paying tuition fees. I mean, GIRO is there for a reason man.

So here i am, STILL waiting for my results to be released when the entire world has got their just desserts. haha. I want my dessert too!! (until i get it)

4.30pm alr. Paid the bill by credit card and sent the receipt to whoever's behind this. When I called the biz person in-charge she asked me how come even after profusely sending me emails about checking if i had paid/unpaid tuition bills i still hadn't got the fees settled.

I mean, seriously, who even READs that email?! It's not like its personalized what, just those standard semesterly spammed mass email to all students which automatically goes into the recycle bin. Honestly, before this happened i didn't even know where to check your outstanding fees. GIRO has totally been taken for granted. :S

Okay, now i know.

What a whole load of trouble!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


So there was my very 1st Aerobics Dance session at the CC, and boy was i right.

The 10++ so aunties (aged 30++ to 50) had wayyyyyyy hotter bods than me la!! In fact, the instructor was a 40+ lady herself! haha a couple of them were old junkies who'd been in the course for 10-15 years (imagine that!) and knew all the steps by heart. Super funny la they were all so enthu about aerobics dancing. There was this lady whose leg muscles popped out everytime she moved.. sibei zai i tell u.

I guess most lived around the area, hence the branded sports bags and sportwear *screams tai-tai-ness*. I definitely have to get some trendier gym clothes soon. No more floppy fbts and baggy t-shirts!!

So there i was being the flabbiest and most unglamly dressed individual in the class, bouncing around like a fish outta water. But it was awesome la..imagine doing The Great Singapore Workout at thrice the speed with Vengaboys in the background going non-stop. I couldn't help but stifle my giggles everytime we had to bop with the beat and shake our hips like we just don't care! Freaking hilarilous!!


Oh, and did i mention i got chummy with this girl around my age and she's from Taiwan! Just nice i'll be going there in a coupla weeks so she can tell me more about the place..well..thats 11 more sessions to least i'm sure i wont be feeling this sore after 3 more sessions. -__-

Alrighty now, time for poker session Number 2 at Joe's house! Yayness my poker sessions are warming up nicely!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A little time to thank..

I got it!!!! :) #2! haha i hope this goes well internship officially starts on the 22nd of June! Meanwhile, more catching up with pals plus the much awaited Taiwan trip with the 2nd floorers, Chingi and Jennie! Awesome la this hols.

I've obviously been spending wayyy too much money..been going for shopping sprees for work clothes and boy did i get a few gorgeous tops! SG still rocks in terms of shopping la..but trust me y'all, whatever i'm gonna earn frm the 6 month internship i will not spend more than 10% on shopping!!!

On top of the shopping sprees and to-be trip, I just signed up for an Aerobics Dance course at my house CC! HAHAHA. Goodbye FATS! hohoho. Finally, something i can stick to! Sadly, i signed up on my own and judging from the usual crowd at the CC, i might just be the youngest person in the course..which, is really fine by me. I hope i make some good friendly auntie friends there! :)

The only sad thing abt this summer is less boyfriend time..Every summer is the same thing; the bf always totally worn out frm work. Man, if this becomes permanent i have to practice getting busy! Really wish i could do something about it for him..the poor boy's totally deflated everyday. Sure, given it's a fantabulous job in his line, great brand and all..but seriously, it's hardly a decent lifestyle.

Oh well, nonetheless, i sure have plenty to thank for. Thank you up there for the great internship i successfully clinched, and the pals i have around me this summer. Please take care of the bf!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yes or No?

OMG i have 3 YESes! From 3 pretty good companies for 6 month internships!

Option #1: Ok brand/Great job scope/Scary culture
Option #2: Ok brand/Good job scope/Great culture
Option #3: Great brand/Sucky job scope/Ok culture
Now what?
I'm really inclined to #2 after today's interview..I think if i'm gonna sacrifice 6 months, top on my list will be company culture and chemistry followed by the job scope. (Note i'm ignoring pay since internships are exploits anyway.) #1 is really awesome in terms of jobscope though, i get to dabble with outdoor ads and media! But the manager who spoke to me seemed really off..i can't decide if he's really testing my patience to see how i fare under stress or if he's just 'giving face' coz i got this through a referral from a big shot a.k.a his boss.
Well, for his info i don't need referrals to back me was more of an "advanced opportunity"..having contacts helps to speed up the waiting time of finding a i know. He wants me to give a Yes/No answer by today! So fast lor, after interview yest only.
Anyway, I've alr planned what i wanna do in hall nx sem too! So the workload and time schedules can't be too screwed up and unpredictable, which #1 seems to be. But if i do reject this one i know i'll be missing a lot coz the job scope is really awesome, plus the stress and challenges he described seem like the perfect dose of reality to jolt me into cyncism.
On the other hand, #2 seems really friendly, like i can learn the right amount without killing myself from overwork (since all i really want is a taste of marketing) and they have a great bunch of people who stick together and work things out. I could sure use some of that camaredarie if i get into trouble as an intern. And for 6 months, sure kena ignorant problems one.
As for #3, i don't even wanna bother thinking on it. Offer me SALES cum marketing events at IT roadshows..come on. After 20mins of interview (unlike #1 & #2 which were 1.5 & 1.2 hours respectively) you don't know what i can offer you lor. Nv even ask me the proper questions..i bet the guy just looked at my face and decided i was for sales. -___- *pui*!
Oh well, haha i guess what i've just reflected on has kinda decided the path i might take. Pray hard #2 doesnt' find a more suitable candidate after today! Only can confirm nx wobbly sia.
Right! Off to Val's party at Cafe Del Mar now!! Will have to tell #1 to give me some more time to think. Urgh, when it comes, it all come in one shot.

Me, signing off now!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A new chapter...

Leaving hall, is like being single again.

Yup, time i stopped evading penning down what I really need to get off my chest. I hate goodbyes. Like seriously. And i definitely hate being alone.

Sis left for wonderland today at 6am and all i really wished was to stowaway in her luggage. positions, what a familiar feeling. It was there when we went through different phases of our lives - getting sick, getting good/bad grades, having 'best friends', boyfriends, exchange programmes, etc. and the list will go on. On hindsight, our lives are mapped pretty closely along the same storyline so far..probably a twin thing.

So now, all i'm left with is my abundant interviews and the emptiness of our room on the 2nd floor of our house. Well, amidst the gloom of impending loneliness last week, i did do a short getaway to Bintan with the dear and got a nice new tan! (and a little flaky skin now)

haha ok not exactly my best looking photos..oh well. Don't look that lonely now you'd think? Nah, my bf's a full-time engineer 7am-5pm during summer. Think he already has not enough him-time without me barging in. So, i'm pretty with me, myself and I again this season. Might be getting that internship soon though, real soon.
Meanwhile, I guess it won't do any harm for me to get some poker sessions going at my place since the sis is away huh? And maybe some sleepovers too, if people are free on weekends. :)
Things are looking brighter haha..I'll make this a great summer! :)
P.S. Take care all you peeps across the oceans!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Long holidays doing nothing are really bad for me. Seriously, i can't stand not having anything solid and meaningful to do, all the while just waiting for my friends to come out of their trance-like exam modes and of course, that ONE SINGLE CALL.

Amidst non-stop internship interviews and TV programmes i can't help thinking i'm stuck in this time-warp, spinning mindlessly until the next chess piece of my life is lifted and strategically placed in the next square.

C'mon now! It's been more than 3 months and 20 applications..what's wrong with me?!! Argh. Freakin' frustrating..the wait, that is. All i'm doing is WAIT! I'm losing my mind, my patience, my temper, time, everything except weight. -___-

I'm glad though for meeting up with the ex-boss, who has been ever so kind to me..Thank you for the great advice. At least something to do while i'm waiting. Nonetheless, time is running out. The official date for internships to start is barely a week away!

"Dear God above, i know i haven't been very religious consistently, but please hear my prayers this time..somehow i feel that this is the turning point, or at least something i really need in my life! I trust you up there to place that chesspiece in the right place..for now i'll tame that patience of mine. Give me a sign soon!
P.S. As always, thank you for the people around me."