Friday, May 29, 2009

I say Give It Right On time!

The biggest Hoo-ha of my undergraduate-end-of-semester-result-collecting-period.

Of all things to have struck, the last thing i'd have thought about was NOT paying tuition fees. I mean, GIRO is there for a reason man.

So here i am, STILL waiting for my results to be released when the entire world has got their just desserts. haha. I want my dessert too!! (until i get it)

4.30pm alr. Paid the bill by credit card and sent the receipt to whoever's behind this. When I called the biz person in-charge she asked me how come even after profusely sending me emails about checking if i had paid/unpaid tuition bills i still hadn't got the fees settled.

I mean, seriously, who even READs that email?! It's not like its personalized what, just those standard semesterly spammed mass email to all students which automatically goes into the recycle bin. Honestly, before this happened i didn't even know where to check your outstanding fees. GIRO has totally been taken for granted. :S

Okay, now i know.

What a whole load of trouble!

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