Sunday, May 3, 2009


Long holidays doing nothing are really bad for me. Seriously, i can't stand not having anything solid and meaningful to do, all the while just waiting for my friends to come out of their trance-like exam modes and of course, that ONE SINGLE CALL.

Amidst non-stop internship interviews and TV programmes i can't help thinking i'm stuck in this time-warp, spinning mindlessly until the next chess piece of my life is lifted and strategically placed in the next square.

C'mon now! It's been more than 3 months and 20 applications..what's wrong with me?!! Argh. Freakin' frustrating..the wait, that is. All i'm doing is WAIT! I'm losing my mind, my patience, my temper, time, everything except weight. -___-

I'm glad though for meeting up with the ex-boss, who has been ever so kind to me..Thank you for the great advice. At least something to do while i'm waiting. Nonetheless, time is running out. The official date for internships to start is barely a week away!

"Dear God above, i know i haven't been very religious consistently, but please hear my prayers this time..somehow i feel that this is the turning point, or at least something i really need in my life! I trust you up there to place that chesspiece in the right place..for now i'll tame that patience of mine. Give me a sign soon!
P.S. As always, thank you for the people around me."

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