Saturday, May 23, 2009


So there was my very 1st Aerobics Dance session at the CC, and boy was i right.

The 10++ so aunties (aged 30++ to 50) had wayyyyyyy hotter bods than me la!! In fact, the instructor was a 40+ lady herself! haha a couple of them were old junkies who'd been in the course for 10-15 years (imagine that!) and knew all the steps by heart. Super funny la they were all so enthu about aerobics dancing. There was this lady whose leg muscles popped out everytime she moved.. sibei zai i tell u.

I guess most lived around the area, hence the branded sports bags and sportwear *screams tai-tai-ness*. I definitely have to get some trendier gym clothes soon. No more floppy fbts and baggy t-shirts!!

So there i was being the flabbiest and most unglamly dressed individual in the class, bouncing around like a fish outta water. But it was awesome la..imagine doing The Great Singapore Workout at thrice the speed with Vengaboys in the background going non-stop. I couldn't help but stifle my giggles everytime we had to bop with the beat and shake our hips like we just don't care! Freaking hilarilous!!


Oh, and did i mention i got chummy with this girl around my age and she's from Taiwan! Just nice i'll be going there in a coupla weeks so she can tell me more about the place..well..thats 11 more sessions to least i'm sure i wont be feeling this sore after 3 more sessions. -__-

Alrighty now, time for poker session Number 2 at Joe's house! Yayness my poker sessions are warming up nicely!

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