Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A little time to thank..

I got it!!!! :) #2! haha i hope this goes well internship officially starts on the 22nd of June! Meanwhile, more catching up with pals plus the much awaited Taiwan trip with the 2nd floorers, Chingi and Jennie! Awesome la this hols.

I've obviously been spending wayyy too much money..been going for shopping sprees for work clothes and boy did i get a few gorgeous tops! SG still rocks in terms of shopping la..but trust me y'all, whatever i'm gonna earn frm the 6 month internship i will not spend more than 10% on shopping!!!

On top of the shopping sprees and to-be trip, I just signed up for an Aerobics Dance course at my house CC! HAHAHA. Goodbye FATS! hohoho. Finally, something i can stick to! Sadly, i signed up on my own and judging from the usual crowd at the CC, i might just be the youngest person in the course..which, is really fine by me. I hope i make some good friendly auntie friends there! :)

The only sad thing abt this summer is less boyfriend time..Every summer is the same thing; the bf always totally worn out frm work. Man, if this becomes permanent i have to practice getting busy! Really wish i could do something about it for him..the poor boy's totally deflated everyday. Sure, given it's a fantabulous job in his line, great brand and all..but seriously, it's hardly a decent lifestyle.

Oh well, nonetheless, i sure have plenty to thank for. Thank you up there for the great internship i successfully clinched, and the pals i have around me this summer. Please take care of the bf!!!

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