Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bummin' Around

You know, i'm kinda starting to like bummin' around. It's terrible, i know, but hey. After 30 or (more) so job applications, i'm thinking, maybe it's a sign man. From up there.

NOBODY's calling.  And its the last day of June alr! *gasps*

I think about blogging everyday, but couldn't bring myself to write much since it might end up on the same topic. But then, today..i told myself: "No point feeling all sorry and unwanted right? Who gets extended holidays like this!"

And i guess its an awesome time for me to catch up with people and get back to my pre-Command fitness - yes, dancing till late every night just 2 months back really helped!

And so, i am diligently putting to task my  top 3 priorities now: #1 - Keep whacking those applications, and #2 and #3 above. I actually started jogging yesterday! I HATE jogging.

Classifieds is sooo my best friend now. I never once went straight to the newspapers first thing in the morning..and now i tear through every page in the Recruit section as soon as the sun touches the horizon.

Oh well, its just fine and dandy now. If all else fails, i guess its an indication to start taitai-dom haha..i've got the potentially rich bf part (i hope) i just have to brush up my Chinese and learn how to play that darn game of mj. Or maybe i'll just stick with bridge. lol.

I'll write about Europe soon, i promise!  Still in the process of uploading pics on FB. The stupid thing went back to allowing me to upload 5 pics at a time! Craziness..there's still 2/3 of Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, and the last part of Paris to go! About 1500+ more..

Meanwhile, I also met up with my old VJCSB Clarinet peeps. Omg so ancient we all! Playing the 'black tube' together..such a long time it has been indeed. :)

Yupyup i'll tell myself there's no rush to get a job when everyone's busy working their asses off and getting eyebags. But i can't believe Commencement is next week!! My mortar board will have no where to land when i throw it coz i haven't landed a job. :| haha..just a funny notion.

Alrighty then! Time to go off for swimming and sauna with my mom! :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Somedays, i feel like this:

One of the best things i did in Europe: Watch Avenue Q in London.

This totally hit home when the show started..even now it brings a smile and tear simultaneously because its so ironically true. *sigh* Enjoy anyways! (esp those who have watched this exquisite gem)

I wish there was a better version on youtube..nothing beats the original cast from London, live! Couldn't get this outta my head recently..and the other tracks from the same broadway as well..every track was damn awesome!

Yup but anw, i'm still in the midst of my jobless-gloom, which explains the lack of posts..will be back as soon as i feel a wee bit happier!

Soon, soon! :)

"What do you do with a B.A. in English,
What is my life going to be?
Four years of college and plenty of knowledge
Have earned me this useless degree.

I can't pay the bills yet,
'Cause I have no skills yet,
The world is a big scary place.

But somehow I can't shake,
The feeling I might make,
A difference,
To the human race."

- Princeton, from Avenue Q

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Poise and Confidence

....are all you need in an interview.

Today was draining but rather rewarding, in a way. Assessment Centers are really mini-case competitions to test your ability to invent ideas on the snap.

Well, I would say i did okay today but not's kinda hard to judge when the rest are pretty good as well. We are afterall graduates with almost uniform experiences - Exchange programmes, Workshops (interviews or not), Similar modules, even hall life. I mean, how far can 3 local universities differ their curriculum anyway?

As for the 2nd interview, I got a little miffed that i was made to wait a full hour coz the manager had another interviewee - whom i realised was the guy who arrived the SAME time as me. Says something about your scheduling huh. But anw, the manager was nice la.

Going for these interviews is making me doubt what i truly want again. I guess the prospect of chasing a dream may just be cooler and more exciting than when you get it in your hands. Now getting so close to the finish line, I almost want to pull back just to experience the thrill of the chase again.

Ah well, i think i'm just tired after a long day.

And, Nestle called. :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back on Track!

Have updated a couple of posts I did during the scroll down the month of May to catch up news in Rome and Barcelona.

I'm looking forward to relive the crazy moments in Europe - will update as soon as i can!! But for now...

I HAVE 2 INTERVIEWS TOMORROW!! 2nd round Assessment Center with L'Oreal from 9am-2pm and 6pm with Charles & Keith!

I can't believe i'm so lucky! It was really dramatic in Brussels when i received email from L'Oreal saying that they only fixed 2 assessment centers a year and this year the last one was 27th May. I couldn't possibly cancel my travel plans and buy a thousand dollar ticket back just for that hope could I?! So i had to close that door.

And then, like a miracle they opened a 3rd round. What are the odds! *Thank you up there!*

Okay i know it is a great opportunity, but i must hold myself in and do my best tomorrow! If anything happens, well, lets say I am really grateful to get this chance. It's just pretty exciting. I've never done ACs before and I get stage-fright easily, and well, if the guy up there didn't want to give up on me, I definitely won't either!

Right..that was just to kill a little of my overenthusiasm hopes are already very high..must always bolster myself. Ahh..interviews for your dream job(s) are so flighty!! You never know what's gonna happen during those few hours.

But i don't doubt that i'm good enough, i think i can do it tomorrow! :) If anything, the whole process of job search (since yr2) has filtered my vision of what i really want or not, at least for now. And most importantly, to move on quick after every 'failure', which put clichely, is but 'another learning process'.

Oh well, wish me luck then! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last Night in PARIS!!

Omg i can't believe this is the last night of my 28 day Grad Trip!! Actualy i'm pretty excited about going back and getting back on track with jobsearch, ironically. Missed several calls and received some from branded companies that i'm excited to meet! Sadly, I had to reject L'Oreal for their 2nd round of interview/assessment centre, super wasted. But then, i just saw that they posted a fresh round of recruitment for MTs on NUS Biz Career Services! Does this mean i have another chance?

Other news, got back my final grades from NUS Biz School FOR THE VERY LAST TIME. Guess i won't be needing any of my 3 S/Us afterall. haha. I wish i could sell them for cash. And, grades-wise, i improved/overshot by a grade, which makes my grade not a full number but with a 0.02 more, but hey, i'm not complaining! :)

Ok gtg enjoy the last few hours in Paris now, but before I forget:

Paris - French: Yes = Oui, No = Non, Hello = Bonjour, Thank you very much = Merci Buku, Goodbye = Au Revoir.

Brussels/Belgium - Belgium: Ohno i forgot!

Amsterdam - Dutch: Will remember soon.

Rome - Italian: Yes = Si, Thank you = Gracias

Barcelona - Spanish: Hello = Hola!

London - English: I love the British accent Mate!

haha something like that. Ok bye! :)