Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bummin' Around

You know, i'm kinda starting to like bummin' around. It's terrible, i know, but hey. After 30 or (more) so job applications, i'm thinking, maybe it's a sign man. From up there.

NOBODY's calling.  And its the last day of June alr! *gasps*

I think about blogging everyday, but couldn't bring myself to write much since it might end up on the same topic. But then, today..i told myself: "No point feeling all sorry and unwanted right? Who gets extended holidays like this!"

And i guess its an awesome time for me to catch up with people and get back to my pre-Command fitness - yes, dancing till late every night just 2 months back really helped!

And so, i am diligently putting to task my  top 3 priorities now: #1 - Keep whacking those applications, and #2 and #3 above. I actually started jogging yesterday! I HATE jogging.

Classifieds is sooo my best friend now. I never once went straight to the newspapers first thing in the morning..and now i tear through every page in the Recruit section as soon as the sun touches the horizon.

Oh well, its just fine and dandy now. If all else fails, i guess its an indication to start taitai-dom haha..i've got the potentially rich bf part (i hope) i just have to brush up my Chinese and learn how to play that darn game of mj. Or maybe i'll just stick with bridge. lol.

I'll write about Europe soon, i promise!  Still in the process of uploading pics on FB. The stupid thing went back to allowing me to upload 5 pics at a time! Craziness..there's still 2/3 of Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, and the last part of Paris to go! About 1500+ more..

Meanwhile, I also met up with my old VJCSB Clarinet peeps. Omg so ancient we all! Playing the 'black tube' together..such a long time it has been indeed. :)

Yupyup i'll tell myself there's no rush to get a job when everyone's busy working their asses off and getting eyebags. But i can't believe Commencement is next week!! My mortar board will have no where to land when i throw it coz i haven't landed a job. :| haha..just a funny notion.

Alrighty then! Time to go off for swimming and sauna with my mom! :)

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