Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back on Track!

Have updated a couple of posts I did during the trip..do scroll down the month of May to catch up news in Rome and Barcelona.

I'm looking forward to relive the crazy moments in Europe - will update as soon as i can!! But for now...

I HAVE 2 INTERVIEWS TOMORROW!! 2nd round Assessment Center with L'Oreal from 9am-2pm and 6pm with Charles & Keith!

I can't believe i'm so lucky! It was really dramatic in Brussels when i received email from L'Oreal saying that they only fixed 2 assessment centers a year and this year the last one was 27th May. I couldn't possibly cancel my travel plans and buy a thousand dollar ticket back just for that hope could I?! So i had to close that door.

And then, like a miracle they opened a 3rd round. What are the odds! *Thank you up there!*

Okay i know it is a great opportunity, but i must hold myself in and do my best tomorrow! If anything happens, well, lets say I am really grateful to get this chance. It's just pretty exciting. I've never done ACs before and I get stage-fright easily, and well, if the guy up there didn't want to give up on me, I definitely won't either!

Right..that was just to kill a little of my overenthusiasm temporarily..my hopes are already very high..must always bolster myself. Ahh..interviews for your dream job(s) are so flighty!! You never know what's gonna happen during those few hours.

But i don't doubt that i'm good enough, i think i can do it tomorrow! :) If anything, the whole process of job search (since yr2) has filtered my vision of what i really want or not, at least for now. And most importantly, to move on quick after every 'failure', which put clichely, is but 'another learning process'.

Oh well, wish me luck then! :)

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