Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last Night in PARIS!!

Omg i can't believe this is the last night of my 28 day Grad Trip!! Actualy i'm pretty excited about going back and getting back on track with jobsearch, ironically. Missed several calls and received some from branded companies that i'm excited to meet! Sadly, I had to reject L'Oreal for their 2nd round of interview/assessment centre, super wasted. But then, i just saw that they posted a fresh round of recruitment for MTs on NUS Biz Career Services! Does this mean i have another chance?

Other news, got back my final grades from NUS Biz School FOR THE VERY LAST TIME. Guess i won't be needing any of my 3 S/Us afterall. haha. I wish i could sell them for cash. And, grades-wise, i improved/overshot by a grade, which makes my grade not a full number but with a 0.02 more, but hey, i'm not complaining! :)

Ok gtg enjoy the last few hours in Paris now, but before I forget:

Paris - French: Yes = Oui, No = Non, Hello = Bonjour, Thank you very much = Merci Buku, Goodbye = Au Revoir.

Brussels/Belgium - Belgium: Ohno i forgot!

Amsterdam - Dutch: Will remember soon.

Rome - Italian: Yes = Si, Thank you = Gracias

Barcelona - Spanish: Hello = Hola!

London - English: I love the British accent Mate!

haha something like that. Ok bye! :)

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