Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Poise and Confidence

....are all you need in an interview.

Today was draining but rather rewarding, in a way. Assessment Centers are really mini-case competitions to test your ability to invent ideas on the snap.

Well, I would say i did okay today but not's kinda hard to judge when the rest are pretty good as well. We are afterall graduates with almost uniform experiences - Exchange programmes, Workshops (interviews or not), Similar modules, even hall life. I mean, how far can 3 local universities differ their curriculum anyway?

As for the 2nd interview, I got a little miffed that i was made to wait a full hour coz the manager had another interviewee - whom i realised was the guy who arrived the SAME time as me. Says something about your scheduling huh. But anw, the manager was nice la.

Going for these interviews is making me doubt what i truly want again. I guess the prospect of chasing a dream may just be cooler and more exciting than when you get it in your hands. Now getting so close to the finish line, I almost want to pull back just to experience the thrill of the chase again.

Ah well, i think i'm just tired after a long day.

And, Nestle called. :)

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