Friday, February 27, 2009

Genting and WL's 24th Bday!

Well well, that sorta summarizes my 1 week midterm break this sem.. 3 days in Genting and 1 full day out to celebrate WL's birthday..AND IT'S (end of) FRIDAY ALREADY!!!


Alright..i had some fun, i admit..maybe too much slackness that the days in between with project meetings seemed torturous. A painful contrast. But, of course that's NOT what this blog is about! haha it's about (more of) my happy times! :)


Haha..guess what was the first thing we did in Genting! I surprise myself sometimes..personal record broken for highest bowling scores!! Check out the 6 spares! WL had 4 strikes in a row too..not bad not bad!

The very next morning..

Super Toboggan!!

LOL. Super cheapo ride..we must roll ourselves (by grabbing the orange sides) to the start line then the guy will manually push us on the creaky chain to go up..and i nearly burst out of the 'toboggan' coz i thought the inital pace was too slow so i stretched forward to let my CG go lower..then the freakin' thing started speeding up until damn fast and i nearly died coz it wouldn't slow down..and as u can see it's basically just a plastic car with wheels on e sides..quite funny actually.

Before splash..
..splash coming..
..After splash!

On the Paddle Boat..

More wu-liao pics..

haha the bottomline is - one year after going to Genting is NOT long enough! Everything's the same!! okok i know, what else did we expect..but need to scoot from the sunny island's heat la..short breather is good..although the weather could have been colder too..

WL's Birthday!!

Yesterday, Feb 26th..he became TWENTY-FOUR years old! OhEmGee. (haha i see some kids write omg like that so lame -_-'') ((OMG i actually call other people kids!)) Anyway. That is like how old!! Which is to say, although i am still TWENTY-ONE years old, I think 24 is totally stamping the fact that we can no longer hide behind the veil of innocence and escape from responsibilities like..impending graduation..and *scream* spending your parent's $$$ without internally slapping yourself!!

Oh well, that is for me, after August to think about.

My annual ritual of making Birthday Breakfast for the Birthday boy!!

I must say, my virgin sunny side-up was perfect! Along with chicken cheese cocktail sausages and toast with butter and melted cheese..the intended impact was achieved. :)

Slacked until noon as requested by the BB, then off to early dinner at The Jewel Box on Mount Faber..our first cable car ride together!


The Jewel Box with gorgeous scenery and sunset!

After dinner and travelling on the cable car one whole round to Sentosa and back to Harbourfront for kicks, a little stroll in Vivo sipping our favorite Food Republic Teh Peng..we went back for..


haha i didn't wrap the box, so this was the inital presentation..

Open the box to see..

ALOT of things!! 24, to be specific :)

Took me a very short time to realize how hard it is to find 24 items for a guy..practical and not too ex ones at that..well, better now than next year or the next, 24 is already one too many! :)

Glad he loved it! <3

Next event coming up...2nd Year Anniv!! For now, midterm presentations!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's lucky i'm back in Singapore. Or else.


Bubble tea, bubble tea

Oh don't you elude me

If don't have you where will i be

I only want you, Bubble tea.

Now y'all know what's in my mug when i mug!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Here Lies Love...and Valentine's Day!

Friday the 13th, February 2009...KentRidge Hall Production 0809.

This year's musical was really good! The songs were damn power la, and as usual our A Blockers dominated the stage. :) Although, i found the storyline a little dark for 'LOVE' as the main theme..all that artsy fartsy die here die there stuff..but oh well, complex love stories are really hard to churn out on a stage so we'll have to give this year's crew credit for that..

I say we need more comedies though!

Since i couldn't take pics during the show, the other highlight was everyone's great to glam dressing..haha Tzewee wore a tuxedo!

and here are some of the gals..

and Me and Sis! Who had a 2min part in the production..

Yup, that's about it..didn't take that many pics, well..the NEXT day was a different matter..

Friday Midnight of 14th, February 2009


A big bouquet of blooming roses and 101 reasons why I am loved! :) super touched, i thought we were going low-key this year since we've already been through so much with each need to spend so much on flowers..

And the 101 Reasons were uber-heartfelt..Luckily i prepared something for my sweet bf!

My customized hand-drawn card!!! Every part of it was handmade ok..he thought i bought the penguin and goose cut-outs..haha nope..drawn, cut and pasted myself! :) haha although a little bit budget la..

Anyway, V-day itself was simple but oh-so-satisfying! Slept the Saturday through till about 2pm after a late night of watching online movies, then off to Ichiban Boshi - our favourite food place EVER - for a gratifying meal of our fav jap food! Of course, there was no queue coz it was 3+pm lol.

Wahaha.. i swear Ichiban Boshi is still the best jap place which offers the best value for $$! Great food with more and more varieties of combi sets at less than $20! Unlike Waraku which fail to match up their sets with such satisfying results.

And of course we had to bring that beautiful bouquet out to take nice pics with! :) Not my style, really but heck, it must have cost quite a sum since he bought it on Vday eve, so might as well haha..

After walking around Suntec, it was dessert time! At 7pm when everyone was having dinner, we were at Max Brenner's Esplanade slurping our fav Suckao drink and treating ourselves to a 70% chocolate-based Truffle...ah..heaven!

Then back to KR with a happy tummy..meanwhile snapping stupid pics at the Esplanade bus stop coz Bus No. 10 took ages to arrive..

Haha looks real right! Damn nice background with the Merlion but the truth is, it's just the bus stop poster!! Lol..


Right, simple and sweet that's all we really need!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The HUMDRUM of school life...

I think i know why i was hesitant to start a blog last year. The pace of life in NUS is as vibrant as the heartbeat monitor rate of the tin man in the Wizard of Oz.


Sigh, not much happened lately..but i'm glad about the new A block initiatives like the bus ride to Geylang for Supper!My first time go there eat leh..quite shocking since i stay like Kembangan so near..must check it out more often. haha. Although i must say, i noticed not many freshies came. Hmm. Oh well, here are some pics i took!

Crazy Nut with her new touristy hat on the bus

1st Stop: Dim Sum!!

On the way to 2nd Stop: Tzewee caught in Red Light District!

Wahaha..ok la not v flattering pic so i put smaller abit..dunno wad expression was that man.

2nd Stop: Yuseong's first taste of Frog Leg!
This stop super shiok la..i think it was one of the best frog porridge i've tried, v hard to find gong bao frog with strong and spicy but not overly salty gravy. But i think abit hard to find this stall if i come on my own..don't even have prominent signs leh.
And lastly...


Haha..ok that's all the pics i got..great move by the A block committee, thumbs up! :) Finally something to perk my day up amidst horrible presentations and stressful projs (i.e. having half my groupmates being exchangees and the other half locals who are not dynamic about projs). Arrr..i guess i should be glad that at least they do come for meetings and do try their best already...ARGH BUT TODAY'S PRESENTATION SUCKKKKKKEDDDDD!!!!
Majorly sucked. Man. I hate having groupmates without chemistry (to state the obvious), especially since i know i'm not that good a presenter myself, but 1+5 bad presenters = Disaster.
Pleaseplease don't let my ambiguous group in my other mod suck too! Last week i wasn't quick enough to grab the best people in class as group mates, was pretty pissed about it. I'm stuck with a 6-girl group in that class now, 4 whom i don't know.
Pitfalls of being a business student. Slap me.

Right, off to dinner now! Highlight of the day :'(

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Team Vytality!

We made it through the semi-finals! As in, we survived! And it was quite successful too, at least on my record. None of us screwed up, and we actually made the judges laugh (in a good way) while presenting the main idea. So, whether we do make it through to the finals or not, it doesn't really matter.

The fact is, we've gone through all this together for almost 2 months already (since Dec) and i'm glad we did it! :)

Here's us in our group attire albeit without the finishing touches of hot pink..only managed to get a group pic after the whole thing when we reached school coz was too kancheong before the presentation to take any of us in full attire.

Me, Valerie and Yvonne

Now just imagine me with a hot pink scarf, Val with pink hairpiece and Yvonne with a hot pink sash around her waist!

Yep, i'm proud of us, with or without us getting through to the last round (which will mean more x 10 hard work) which we will only know next week around 11 Feb i think.

Appropriately, after the presentation, it was my Dad's annual company dinner, which as usual, was quite a lavish event to appreciate all the working staff, but with all the aunties around who'd known each other for decades, the whole affair was light-hearted and really enjoyable.

The theme of the dinner was Shanghai Night, and supposedly we had to dress up as Cheena as possible. My sis and cousin and bro's gf blew $100+ each on cheongsams la!! They all looked really hot, which made me stand out, since i was the only coolio who refused to spend anymore $ after blowing loads on SEP etc.. haha. So i wore this old cheena tube i have, which was nice too :) Oh, and my 21st bday Swarovski crystals from WL which probably cost as much as the 3 of their costumes put together :)

WL, Big Bro, Me, Bro's gf, Sis, Cousin


There was Bingo and The Best Shanghai Girl Contest, or rather, Ms Sinma..haha..the Aunties had loads of fun la. Think girls' school gone wild, albeit 2 decades older.

Top 5 Contestants for Ms Sinma

Contestant No. 1 doing the Catwalk and Lovin' it!
Contestant No. 2 catwalking - I just had to put this up..super cute auntie!
haha and of course, we all had plenty of Yusheng and salmon sashimi from the buffet at Pariss, Marina Sq. Yum!
Perfect ending to a perfect day.
Right, off to school for me now! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chingay '09!!

Ahh Chingay was crazy! I wish I could join the rest of the FYFs there dancing and getting their faces painted and all..and the float was gorgeous! But i didn't bring my camera that day so wasted!! So i don't have any float pics..

But, we sure had a load of fun that night! Crazy Nut Farah and Jenn us took the free fans given out by the Jap Association and guess what we did with it!

haha we are the official KR #1 FAN CLUB!!! :)

After the float passed us one time, I was so busy trying to find the sis that I made farah and Jenn chase after me chasing the so the "We (heart)" kinda got lost in the crowd, then finally caught up with "KR" like when the float was leaving the bend to Esplanade.

On another note, L'Oreal Brandstorm Semi-finals is up this Wednesday! I know Vytality will definitely put up a great presentation..we even got our attire matched and coordinated perfectly already, plus the powerpoint and props revamped. Now everything's up to the guy up with us!

P.S. The angsty-ness will all go away after Wednesday neighbs! I promise!

The Rudest Guy on the Planet

I met the rudest guy on the planet tonight, and he is none other than the guy who's been hanging out with my sis while i was away..for a long time too.


Exactly, i don't even know his full name. That's coz i DON'T EVEN KNOW THE BLOODY GUY!

And tonight, about maybe the 2nd time i've seen him since returning to hall, he walked past the room i was in and said: "You're TianYing isit? I have to tell you something..I just have to say this. Contrary to popular belief, YOUR SISTER IS THE SKINNIER TWIN. I really think she's skinnier than you...blahblah"..

He even had the cheek to say something about me having a boyfriend and etc which i didn't bother to catch coz i was freakin' FUMING. I wasn't in my room, mind you, I was in my neighb's room with my neighbs in the middle of A blk 3rd floor long wing corridor and he practically shouted like it was some latest news i should hear about.

Super stunned man. Win liao lor. I didn't even manage to utter a word in response..before that i was still waving to him when he passed by like so friendly like that.
Pisses me off that my sis hangs around this type of creature?!!!! I mean, heck the comments about the weight and all; what kinda introduction + first impression is this man. Please, go look at the mirror la! Still give my sis what stupid love advice about relationships and all, go save yourself first can!

Aiyar, spoil my chinese new year only..oh well, he better stay away from me for longer than just the near future. I'm a little angsty nowadays for some reason and i might just need a punching bag. >.<