Monday, February 2, 2009

The Rudest Guy on the Planet

I met the rudest guy on the planet tonight, and he is none other than the guy who's been hanging out with my sis while i was away..for a long time too.


Exactly, i don't even know his full name. That's coz i DON'T EVEN KNOW THE BLOODY GUY!

And tonight, about maybe the 2nd time i've seen him since returning to hall, he walked past the room i was in and said: "You're TianYing isit? I have to tell you something..I just have to say this. Contrary to popular belief, YOUR SISTER IS THE SKINNIER TWIN. I really think she's skinnier than you...blahblah"..

He even had the cheek to say something about me having a boyfriend and etc which i didn't bother to catch coz i was freakin' FUMING. I wasn't in my room, mind you, I was in my neighb's room with my neighbs in the middle of A blk 3rd floor long wing corridor and he practically shouted like it was some latest news i should hear about.

Super stunned man. Win liao lor. I didn't even manage to utter a word in response..before that i was still waving to him when he passed by like so friendly like that.
Pisses me off that my sis hangs around this type of creature?!!!! I mean, heck the comments about the weight and all; what kinda introduction + first impression is this man. Please, go look at the mirror la! Still give my sis what stupid love advice about relationships and all, go save yourself first can!

Aiyar, spoil my chinese new year only..oh well, he better stay away from me for longer than just the near future. I'm a little angsty nowadays for some reason and i might just need a punching bag. >.<

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