Thursday, February 5, 2009

Team Vytality!

We made it through the semi-finals! As in, we survived! And it was quite successful too, at least on my record. None of us screwed up, and we actually made the judges laugh (in a good way) while presenting the main idea. So, whether we do make it through to the finals or not, it doesn't really matter.

The fact is, we've gone through all this together for almost 2 months already (since Dec) and i'm glad we did it! :)

Here's us in our group attire albeit without the finishing touches of hot pink..only managed to get a group pic after the whole thing when we reached school coz was too kancheong before the presentation to take any of us in full attire.

Me, Valerie and Yvonne

Now just imagine me with a hot pink scarf, Val with pink hairpiece and Yvonne with a hot pink sash around her waist!

Yep, i'm proud of us, with or without us getting through to the last round (which will mean more x 10 hard work) which we will only know next week around 11 Feb i think.

Appropriately, after the presentation, it was my Dad's annual company dinner, which as usual, was quite a lavish event to appreciate all the working staff, but with all the aunties around who'd known each other for decades, the whole affair was light-hearted and really enjoyable.

The theme of the dinner was Shanghai Night, and supposedly we had to dress up as Cheena as possible. My sis and cousin and bro's gf blew $100+ each on cheongsams la!! They all looked really hot, which made me stand out, since i was the only coolio who refused to spend anymore $ after blowing loads on SEP etc.. haha. So i wore this old cheena tube i have, which was nice too :) Oh, and my 21st bday Swarovski crystals from WL which probably cost as much as the 3 of their costumes put together :)

WL, Big Bro, Me, Bro's gf, Sis, Cousin


There was Bingo and The Best Shanghai Girl Contest, or rather, Ms Sinma..haha..the Aunties had loads of fun la. Think girls' school gone wild, albeit 2 decades older.

Top 5 Contestants for Ms Sinma

Contestant No. 1 doing the Catwalk and Lovin' it!
Contestant No. 2 catwalking - I just had to put this up..super cute auntie!
haha and of course, we all had plenty of Yusheng and salmon sashimi from the buffet at Pariss, Marina Sq. Yum!
Perfect ending to a perfect day.
Right, off to school for me now! :)

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