Monday, February 2, 2009

Chingay '09!!

Ahh Chingay was crazy! I wish I could join the rest of the FYFs there dancing and getting their faces painted and all..and the float was gorgeous! But i didn't bring my camera that day so wasted!! So i don't have any float pics..

But, we sure had a load of fun that night! Crazy Nut Farah and Jenn us took the free fans given out by the Jap Association and guess what we did with it!

haha we are the official KR #1 FAN CLUB!!! :)

After the float passed us one time, I was so busy trying to find the sis that I made farah and Jenn chase after me chasing the so the "We (heart)" kinda got lost in the crowd, then finally caught up with "KR" like when the float was leaving the bend to Esplanade.

On another note, L'Oreal Brandstorm Semi-finals is up this Wednesday! I know Vytality will definitely put up a great presentation..we even got our attire matched and coordinated perfectly already, plus the powerpoint and props revamped. Now everything's up to the guy up with us!

P.S. The angsty-ness will all go away after Wednesday neighbs! I promise!

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