Friday, February 27, 2009

Genting and WL's 24th Bday!

Well well, that sorta summarizes my 1 week midterm break this sem.. 3 days in Genting and 1 full day out to celebrate WL's birthday..AND IT'S (end of) FRIDAY ALREADY!!!


Alright..i had some fun, i admit..maybe too much slackness that the days in between with project meetings seemed torturous. A painful contrast. But, of course that's NOT what this blog is about! haha it's about (more of) my happy times! :)


Haha..guess what was the first thing we did in Genting! I surprise myself sometimes..personal record broken for highest bowling scores!! Check out the 6 spares! WL had 4 strikes in a row too..not bad not bad!

The very next morning..

Super Toboggan!!

LOL. Super cheapo ride..we must roll ourselves (by grabbing the orange sides) to the start line then the guy will manually push us on the creaky chain to go up..and i nearly burst out of the 'toboggan' coz i thought the inital pace was too slow so i stretched forward to let my CG go lower..then the freakin' thing started speeding up until damn fast and i nearly died coz it wouldn't slow down..and as u can see it's basically just a plastic car with wheels on e sides..quite funny actually.

Before splash..
..splash coming..
..After splash!

On the Paddle Boat..

More wu-liao pics..

haha the bottomline is - one year after going to Genting is NOT long enough! Everything's the same!! okok i know, what else did we expect..but need to scoot from the sunny island's heat la..short breather is good..although the weather could have been colder too..

WL's Birthday!!

Yesterday, Feb 26th..he became TWENTY-FOUR years old! OhEmGee. (haha i see some kids write omg like that so lame -_-'') ((OMG i actually call other people kids!)) Anyway. That is like how old!! Which is to say, although i am still TWENTY-ONE years old, I think 24 is totally stamping the fact that we can no longer hide behind the veil of innocence and escape from responsibilities like..impending graduation..and *scream* spending your parent's $$$ without internally slapping yourself!!

Oh well, that is for me, after August to think about.

My annual ritual of making Birthday Breakfast for the Birthday boy!!

I must say, my virgin sunny side-up was perfect! Along with chicken cheese cocktail sausages and toast with butter and melted cheese..the intended impact was achieved. :)

Slacked until noon as requested by the BB, then off to early dinner at The Jewel Box on Mount Faber..our first cable car ride together!


The Jewel Box with gorgeous scenery and sunset!

After dinner and travelling on the cable car one whole round to Sentosa and back to Harbourfront for kicks, a little stroll in Vivo sipping our favorite Food Republic Teh Peng..we went back for..


haha i didn't wrap the box, so this was the inital presentation..

Open the box to see..

ALOT of things!! 24, to be specific :)

Took me a very short time to realize how hard it is to find 24 items for a guy..practical and not too ex ones at that..well, better now than next year or the next, 24 is already one too many! :)

Glad he loved it! <3

Next event coming up...2nd Year Anniv!! For now, midterm presentations!

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