Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The HUMDRUM of school life...

I think i know why i was hesitant to start a blog last year. The pace of life in NUS is as vibrant as the heartbeat monitor rate of the tin man in the Wizard of Oz.


Sigh, not much happened lately..but i'm glad about the new A block initiatives like the bus ride to Geylang for Supper!My first time go there eat leh..quite shocking since i stay like Kembangan so near..must check it out more often. haha. Although i must say, i noticed not many freshies came. Hmm. Oh well, here are some pics i took!

Crazy Nut with her new touristy hat on the bus

1st Stop: Dim Sum!!

On the way to 2nd Stop: Tzewee caught in Red Light District!

Wahaha..ok la not v flattering pic so i put smaller abit..dunno wad expression was that man.

2nd Stop: Yuseong's first taste of Frog Leg!
This stop super shiok la..i think it was one of the best frog porridge i've tried, v hard to find gong bao frog with strong and spicy but not overly salty gravy. But i think abit hard to find this stall if i come on my own..don't even have prominent signs leh.
And lastly...


Haha..ok that's all the pics i got..great move by the A block committee, thumbs up! :) Finally something to perk my day up amidst horrible presentations and stressful projs (i.e. having half my groupmates being exchangees and the other half locals who are not dynamic about projs). Arrr..i guess i should be glad that at least they do come for meetings and do try their best already...ARGH BUT TODAY'S PRESENTATION SUCKKKKKKEDDDDD!!!!
Majorly sucked. Man. I hate having groupmates without chemistry (to state the obvious), especially since i know i'm not that good a presenter myself, but 1+5 bad presenters = Disaster.
Pleaseplease don't let my ambiguous group in my other mod suck too! Last week i wasn't quick enough to grab the best people in class as group mates, was pretty pissed about it. I'm stuck with a 6-girl group in that class now, 4 whom i don't know.
Pitfalls of being a business student. Slap me.

Right, off to dinner now! Highlight of the day :'(

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