Friday, November 28, 2008

I nearly died...

There's SO MUCH i need to update you guys!!!! These 2 weeks have been ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!

Was feeling super stressed the last 2 weeks with all the built-up emo-ness of losing $$ to a situation totally outta my control(final verdict $1.3k between me n wl) and my precious, precious phone :( and not being able to release all that pent up energy coz stuck with exams and presentations..needless to say the 2nd half of this sem pulled my earlier As i achieved for ALL my modules here to a B lest one surviving A module (the one with Brad Pitt). Buangz can.


Oh wells. It is SEP afterall..and all that crap was pretty much redeemed by our (yet another) ROAD TRIP to Dallas and Fortworth and Six Flags (finally!!) and San Francisco to meet my dear DEAR ol' family!!!

Alright i shall tell the story of how I nearly died in you guys are dying to hear that one. So we decided to take a road trip down to Dallas on the 21st of Nov, Friday this time with CAR INSURANCE, our main goal was to find this secret, in-the-middle-of-the-wilderness Stone Henge located in a really ulu place. We took 4 hours driving from Austin, and another 2 just trying to find the 'Dead End' sign to turn into a Tree Farm to find a Dark Green Gate to climb over then to walk 300m to find the Stone Henge in a middle of a field.

Seriously. Those were the exact directions given to us (see above). Super adventure man. Coz apparently no, OBVIOUSLY we were supposed to go find that in the DAY, not in the middle of the night but since we started the trip only like noon, by the time we found that dead end sign in that ulu place it was already 8-9pm. Super dark but got sunk costs la drive so long already.

It was damn freaky i tell you. We had to enter this tree farm which was private property, then drive down all the way towards the dead end. We passed by so many gates on the way and kept debating which were green or white; it was just damn funny la. Dallas is like a real cowboy country and it was pitch black and very cold when we drove through that narrow path with wild dogs barking around and all. And Justin sweared he saw this farmer wearing blue waving to him in the farm as we drove past. In the dark! *shiver*

When we finally reached the dark green gate, guess what we saw on it. THIS------>>>>>


And we're supposed to be climbing over that?! In the middle of the night at 10pm?! Yeah right. Then the guys thought it was funny arh. Still take pics etc..Beyond this gate was a house which was partially lighted. I didn't doubt some farmer would be coming out anytime with a shotgun at all.

Then we saw a horse beside our car. A real wild grey horse! And Justin took pics with it (of course -_-) when suddenly. The farmer really came out man! WTH i was damn scared la!! Coz we were at a DEAD END remember, at the cross section between two houses - one owning the gate and the other owning the horse, and the owner of the horse came out wearing one of those cowboy hats, then he went to his HUGEASS tractor (those monstrous red trucks kind) and shone his headlights at us. Like. Get the F* outta here.

And the boys were just laughing away, ok i think Justin freaked out coz he was the one standing next to the horse when I first saw the house lights turn on and the farmer march out. Rightttt. Of course we got away as fast as we can. The whole time, my Pa was in my head. I could totally hear him say "Zhe zong dong xi bu yao wan, bu zhi de ni de ming'. ok i wish i have the chinese font but anw that means 'This kinda things don't playplay, not worth your life'. Which i absolutely agreed at that point.

So, as we didn't manage to achieve our goal of checking out the Stone Henge, we decided to set off fireworks. Haha..really! Remember my birthday post? Waikit and Justin got me real fireworks in a box and I didn't have the opportunity to set them off yet so i brought them along just incase there was a chance we found an empty field or highway we could blow them off.

Which we did. Check out this video where we set off the fireworks on some empty highway beside a RV/Caravan park at 11pm thereabouts. Freakin' Cool. Finally some real fireworks and not cheapo sparklers. :)

Alrights, so after that we drove down to Fortworth and stayed the night so we could catch Cowboy Rodeo in that funky cowboy town. They really did up the place with all the cowboy fonts and horses and almost everyone was wearing cowboy hats and boots and going Howdy! Haha ok i made up the Howdy part up but it was nearly there.

Actually i think bullriding and all that rodeo thing was really more like..Animal Cruelty? The poor bulls and baby cows had their heads banged against the gates so they got really riled up and angry enough to either start jumping and throwing off their riders or in the calves' cases, to run wildly in panic while the cowboys chased them on horses to wrap a rope around their necks and legs. Damn pain la. I don't usually support animal cruelty, but we only found out after we bought those tickets. Poor cows!! :(
Here's a pic of the poor calf that was caught..the videos of the rodeos too big to upload la sad..check out my facebook or wl's!

Yup, that was most of Fortworth, besides eating at the Love Shack which was just a really nice commercialized name in the Lonely Planet guidebook but was damn ex and not worth it.

On to Six Flags on Sunday, 23rd Nov. THAT WAS THE BEST THEMEPARK EVER!!!

The rides were CRAZY!!! I loved how all the rides were so creative; Our very first ride - The Rattler - we thought would be an 'appetizer' coz the entrance looked normal and the rollercoaster itself was a wooden structure like Genting those cheapo ones..BUT we were SO wrong! That turned out to be the scariest and the LONGEST ride ever! It had the longest downward slope i've ever taken and it was really rattley coz the wooden structure made the whole ride super shakey and very noisy. I loved the part where we thought it was gonna end, but then we dove into a cave which was pitch black and totally amplified the rattling noise. Awesome man.

Then Superman! We took that ride 3 times! Super huge spins with our legs dangling all over the place but it wasn't as pukey as the Rattler..i actually enjoyed going upside down alot. woots!

3rd best was the Boomerang. Damn cool concept..the coaster got pulled back upwards really high like a slingshot, then suddenly got released so the coaster flew straight forward and went thru a few spins to reach this peak again and stop, then release us backwards all the way to the start of the ride so we got shot backwards through the same loops and to an abrupt stop at the station. Super high can! Very different flavour! :)

So all the rides were like advanced level..almost none of them were beginners or like medium scary. Rocks la just the way i like it :)

Whew, alright long post as usual..will have to save Thanksgiving and San Franc for the next to-die-for blog entry. Stay tuned! Meanwhile, it's back to hitting the books for my presentation tomorrow and an exam the day after :(

3 days to long break before last 2 finals!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I am an (emo) Thief!!

i can't believe i just did it..i took it without paying!

ok i did it on purpose. Sneaked a drink frm the cafeteria and just took off. Normally it would cost i guess US$1.75, but i wasn't hungry today (again) and was craving Raspberry Tea...and probably because i still can't let that incident go in this very place.

Been kinda moody recently, with a sudden stockpile of work to do again and a serious lack of motivation to contribute to my projects and in class..I'd like to blame it on the past 2 weeks of droning around and having money-sucking incidents occur upon me but honestly, I think maybe, just maybe, I might just be sick of the USA.

Oh, i may very well be changing this opinion of mine, as soon as i get to NYC, Disneyworld and all..but right now, right now, all i got is sugar to keep the blood in my veins flowing.

I suddenly feel like bursting into song:

"Oh, give me a home
Where the buffalo roam,
Where the deer and the antelope play;
Where seldom is heard
A discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day

Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day.

How often at night
When the heavens are bright
With the lights from the glittering stars
Have I stood there amazed
And asked as I gazed
If their glory exceeds that of ours.

Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day.

Oh, give me a land
Where the bright diamond sand
Flows leisurely down the stream;
There the graceful, white swan
Goes gliding along
Like a maid in a heavenly dream.


Where the air is so pure,
The zephyrs so free,
The breezes so balmy and light,
That I would not exchange
My home on the range
For all of the cities so bright.


Oh, I love those wild flowers
In this dear land of ours,
The curlew I love to hear scream,
And I love the white rocks
And the antelope flocks
That graze on the mountain tops green.

(Chorus) "

Hahaha..i actually found the whole lyrics for this! Been chiming in my mind throughout SEP but i never got pass the 1st para and the i LOVE this song! it's like my childhood thing la..the full lyrics make it even more beautiful, now that i know.

Although it hardly fits the description of my beloved Sunny Island SG, it sure does belt out my feelings right now..

"Oh give me a home,
Where the air is more warm,
Where they talk like they're singing a song
Where seldom is heard a proper Engalish word
And the clouds are all fluffy and gay

Home, home is SG
Where the clouds are all fluffy and gay
Where seldom is heard a proper Engalish word
And my friends will all know what I say"


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Random Escape frm Mugging

Koped this off somebody's blog..i usually think personality tests are kinda molded, like they only have a fixed set of vague answers they send out to whoever chooses the MCQs in a particular pattern but, oh well, i needed a distraction.

And, i know who might agree with the last sentence.

Your view on yourself: You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
(haha ya i really don't like conflict so don't argue with me. i'm always right!)

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
(WL, you reading this? You flirt, u die.)

Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
(You're stuck with me, boy.)

The seriousness of your love: You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
(Lol. Me? Flirtatious?)

Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
(Ya i support wad LKY says! Everyone be a muggertoad!)

The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
(Hmm. I always knew being a taitai was the way to go. Secure + steady!)

How do you view success: You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
(Shoutout to WL!)

What are you most afraid of: You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
(Which is sadly, alot of things..)

Who is your true self: You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
(Like that den exciting mah.)


Try it yourself at

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lost my Beloved Sony Ericsson...

Just a few hours ago..I lost my entire phone pouch.

My PINK phone pouch.

With my UT ID card + Drivers License + Credit Card + US$40 and of course my Beloved Phone.

I swear I'm the most suay SEP student ever.

Sorry Pa and Ma..I shall work hard to earn back all this shit.

Sorry TeeHui..I guess we'll have to get you a new phone instead..i'm sure there're better phones out there than my old Sony Ericsson. *bursts out in tears*..and we were just talking about me handing down my phone to you JUST LAST NIGHT..Sorry lil' bro!

Whole day only know how to lose $. I really can't believe it man.

And I can just slap myself for being lazy to download those gorgeous beach pics I took with neither of us have it.

Damn the thieving bugger who took my pouch. Hope ur balls rot off somewhere.

Obama, Good luck in getting your Americans fixed man..they sure do need help.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday Bowls!

haha weird title..anyway..

Guess what i've been doing almost every Monday!!

BOWLING!!!! Yup every Monday is Bowling Night, just because it only costs $0.75 for each pair of bowling shoes and EACH game!!!

Ya, you didn't hear wrong..Seventy-Five Cents Per Game!!! Like how cheap right! Play like 3 games plus shoes only $3 leh!

So, as a result, I have been training my bowling skills until can become pro liao!

HAHA. ok first 10 games were of an average of 70..i'm obviously not a ball person.

But then ah...YESTERDAY....

One Strike, 3 spares!!! haha can see onot! 114 points!!!! *beams with pride* I have obviously conquered my sucky ball-game least for this big black ball game..haha..

ok cheap thrill la..c'mon lor. When my weekend got hit by a financial crisis and is gonna be hit by one shot 3 projs + presentation..the best way of release is by slamming a ball into 9 pins. (Although mine is more like a roll lah..still can't bowl at a speed more than 7 mph, which is quite sucky coz the average speed of a guy is frm 11-25mph and even the angmoh gals can throw at 11 mph.)

yupyup, shall improve on my score now that i've finally gotten the hang of it (SEP wanna over liao).

Speaking of which, Thanksgiving hol is in 2 weeks!!! Meeting the family in San Fransisco!!! Can't wait! :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Burn, burn that hole in my pocket..

Suay bong.

Of all things must kena hit and run..AFTER i bought my Six Flags Theme Park tickets and was really REALLY looking forward to the weekend. Needed a break man.

But NOT a break in my bank account!

Can't really fault anyone here, but seriously, waking up in the middle of the night to get news that my weekend trip is to be cancelled PLUS a huge potential deduction from my already half-gone parent's blood-sweat money is a little too much.

Especially when i wasn't even at the scene. At least i'll feel a bit of guilt. Or sadness. Or some form of seeing the smashed-up car myself. Now i'm denial. It's like some nightmare - you know the one where you dreamt you woke up and became bankrupt?

Haha. As my Leadership Class lecturer says: "Money is the Meaning of Life". Yes, the lecturer from my Leadership class. I agree. At least when you're on SEP, that is.

Aiyar. Just damn suay la. Next time just write the damn car in my name. At least I got good insurance coverage.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Hiatus!

This year, I celebrated Halloween for the first time.

And i dressed up as a trannie. haha. ok just kidding..i was supposed to be a 60's agogo girl but honestly the wig made me look like a friggin' trans. :(
But then the guys told me to just wear it coz it'll make my costume stand out more (obviously) and i'd already spent $10 renting it..(sigh kena bluff only-so ugly)

So we were all getting ready to head to a party thrown by the SSA (Singapore Students Association) whom we've been hanging out with ever since SEP started and here's a pic of my houseful of freaks!!

Bananas in PJ's, White man from Matrix, Guy in wet suit, Cowboy and the trannie 60's girl!! haha you can obviously tell that we just threw our own things on with a coupla accessories to make the look. All exchange students la..not enough moolah for this kinda things..

The party was wacky..people really dress up here for Halloween, renting costumes and some making their own..i guess i didn't miss DND after all this year!! (Although kr dnd more fun la got pageant etc)

I really like a few of the costumes the SSA pple came the mime!! And there was Ryu and Ken who were super muscly and the Night Before Xmas character was in full-blown suit too!

Best part of it all, was the Pumpkin Carving Competition..first time see pumpkins so huge la!! I had a hand in carving my group's pumpkin too..the skin is really very thick..about 1 inch or so, and it's like a big shell after the insides are dug out..

I like my team's pumpkin..he is Friendly Geologist Guy! haha as written on the helmet..anw the 4 pumpkins up for judging were all pretty good! Esp the joker one!! It really looked abit siao..esp when we put green/yellow lightsticks inside each of them and turned the lights off in the room.

After the results were out (random one la..they gave it to the one at the end), the whole gang decided to head down to 6th Street, this famous street in Austin known for the nightclubs and bars.. I tell you. It was like Chinatown on Chinese New Year except with crazily dressed people!

Americans are simply siao! The costumes ranged from Really Freaky to Downright Raunchy to Professional-just-outta-Disney/Hollywood. Mostly, it was a chance for gals to bare their flesh and the homos to revel in their "true identities". The best costume I saw that amused me the most was a guy in a blown up dick suit..damn hilarious! Alright, i'll let the pics do the talking now

Yupyup! so that was an eye-opener for me this Halloween..well at least now i know..the next time i celebrate Halloween, I am SO not going to wear wigs man. -__-

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WTH AngMohs. Dabai strike.

Got this email on about the public bus system (Capital Metro) - crucial if you don't have car here.

Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 12:15 AM
Subject: Informational: Capital Metro Strike

Attention: All Members of the UT Austin Community

At 10am on October 31, 2008, the University was notified by Capital Metro that a strike of the operators of the mainline bus routes was imminent. The notification states that the strike will begin on Wednesday, November 5, 2008. There is not currently a scheduled end date for the strike. This strike affects the mainline operation only (including Express buses fromLeander and the Dillos downtown.) At this time, we anticipate the UTShuttle system will operate as normal, with increased ridership because of displaced mainline riders.

The University encourages everyone to ride share – car pool and to work together to overcome the transportation challenges of this situation. Given the number of faculty, staff, and students who utilize the mainline bus system to get to and from campus, we anticipate heavier than normal traffic levels and increases in the number of patrons in the parking garages,surface lots, and the surrounding neighborhoods to the campus. Please plan accordingly.

Thank you,
Parking & Transportation Services

I think if it's in Singapore arh. Confirm Traffic Jam until die. -__-''