Friday, November 14, 2008

Lost my Beloved Sony Ericsson...

Just a few hours ago..I lost my entire phone pouch.

My PINK phone pouch.

With my UT ID card + Drivers License + Credit Card + US$40 and of course my Beloved Phone.

I swear I'm the most suay SEP student ever.

Sorry Pa and Ma..I shall work hard to earn back all this shit.

Sorry TeeHui..I guess we'll have to get you a new phone instead..i'm sure there're better phones out there than my old Sony Ericsson. *bursts out in tears*..and we were just talking about me handing down my phone to you JUST LAST NIGHT..Sorry lil' bro!

Whole day only know how to lose $. I really can't believe it man.

And I can just slap myself for being lazy to download those gorgeous beach pics I took with neither of us have it.

Damn the thieving bugger who took my pouch. Hope ur balls rot off somewhere.

Obama, Good luck in getting your Americans fixed man..they sure do need help.


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