Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday Bowls!

haha weird title..anyway..

Guess what i've been doing almost every Monday!!

BOWLING!!!! Yup every Monday is Bowling Night, just because it only costs $0.75 for each pair of bowling shoes and EACH game!!!

Ya, you didn't hear wrong..Seventy-Five Cents Per Game!!! Like how cheap right! Play like 3 games plus shoes only $3 leh!

So, as a result, I have been training my bowling skills until can become pro liao!

HAHA. ok first 10 games were of an average of 70..i'm obviously not a ball person.

But then ah...YESTERDAY....

One Strike, 3 spares!!! haha can see onot! 114 points!!!! *beams with pride* I have obviously conquered my sucky ball-game least for this big black ball game..haha..

ok cheap thrill la..c'mon lor. When my weekend got hit by a financial crisis and is gonna be hit by one shot 3 projs + presentation..the best way of release is by slamming a ball into 9 pins. (Although mine is more like a roll lah..still can't bowl at a speed more than 7 mph, which is quite sucky coz the average speed of a guy is frm 11-25mph and even the angmoh gals can throw at 11 mph.)

yupyup, shall improve on my score now that i've finally gotten the hang of it (SEP wanna over liao).

Speaking of which, Thanksgiving hol is in 2 weeks!!! Meeting the family in San Fransisco!!! Can't wait! :)

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