Monday, November 10, 2008

Burn, burn that hole in my pocket..

Suay bong.

Of all things must kena hit and run..AFTER i bought my Six Flags Theme Park tickets and was really REALLY looking forward to the weekend. Needed a break man.

But NOT a break in my bank account!

Can't really fault anyone here, but seriously, waking up in the middle of the night to get news that my weekend trip is to be cancelled PLUS a huge potential deduction from my already half-gone parent's blood-sweat money is a little too much.

Especially when i wasn't even at the scene. At least i'll feel a bit of guilt. Or sadness. Or some form of seeing the smashed-up car myself. Now i'm denial. It's like some nightmare - you know the one where you dreamt you woke up and became bankrupt?

Haha. As my Leadership Class lecturer says: "Money is the Meaning of Life". Yes, the lecturer from my Leadership class. I agree. At least when you're on SEP, that is.

Aiyar. Just damn suay la. Next time just write the damn car in my name. At least I got good insurance coverage.

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