Friday, September 26, 2008

My Pilot Friend!


Officially SIA pilot material! See, i knew u could do it!!!!


(haha okay u still gotta get thru e physical test thing but obviously, i have absolute faith in ya!)

Like how cool can!!

Oh i just noticed something - the 405ml of Mocha i'm drinking now can be rearranged to form Maoch..haha ok lame.

anyway, YAYYYss!! I can't help but rant abt your success my dear Bizad Bestie! I'm so totally gonna fly on your plane man! 1 outta 2% success rate in selection is out of this world!


Think i'm high on coffee before Finance class, again..haha..oh and the lesson before this, my team with Brad Pitt got 2nd best in class after climbing Mount Everest - as in percentage of goals achieved among all the groups!

Happiness!! :)

Eh's my prediction of you after graduation:

Tell me if it comes true k! :)

nono, wait..CONFIRM come true one!! Right, Maoch? ^___^

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh, Happy Day!

Today is a HAPPY DAY!


Because, BRAD PITT IS IN THE SAME GROUP AS ME!! And we're gonna climb Mount Everest together next week!!!!!!!!!! Wheeee~~ :)

haha..did i tell you my leadership class has this Brad Pitt look-a-like? okay la..not so brad pitt looking after he cut his hair like 2 wks ago (US barbers are bad..just ask WL) but still pretty cute!!!


I'm serious abt Mount Everest..It's this video simulation thing for our leadership class that we've to register and do teamwork on next week. Super that's how i got teamed up with 4 other random people in class, according to our Myers-Briggs Test Indications or MBTI, or simply, our personality test results. I'm ENFJ, if that helps.

So anyway, YAYs!! This class rocks more than ever! hahahaha..NOW i dont have to churn up a lame excuse to take a pic with him at the end of e sem! :)

Okay, other happy things today - got my grades back for some of the leadership assignments and i'm like above average, 95 marks! haha cheap thrill la coz the weekly assignments here are meant to get u full marks in the first place, but it still feels delicious looking at good grades.

Woohoo..I love Tuesdays!

(ok gotta go for Finance class now..hope i don't fall asleep!)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Speech War

i'm in a really sombre mood today - as in depressed. Or defeated. Or desperate.
Doesn't really matter whichever.
There's one class i have here which is damn competitive in terms of participation, and it's irritating the hell outta me.

Today at the beginning of class, the prof actually put on screen a graph showing the grade you get according to the number of times you participate in class. Like if you raised your hand 0-1 times per class = C, 1-2 times per class = B, 2< times =" A.

Like, wtf?!

You should totally see the response after that.
It's like, "Me, me, me! Please call me!"
It's like a freakin game show every lesson - see who raises their hand for (any) answers or comments and yay, you get one point!
The TA sits at the back of the class with a piece of paper with the fixed seating arrangement and literally CHECKS everytime anyone puts up their hand.
Of course, you get extra points if you manage to get away with a relevant joke.


The bottomline is, I'm not one who's big on speaking up in class.
(Unlike my fellow biz exchangee who's pretty much a smooth-talker. Or full of bullshit. )
But I've been trying. I really have.
I'm like clocking at least 2 hands per class already.
But i sit between two prominent bullshitters, no, wait..the WHOLE ROW of them! So i kinda contrast that way, as in the pale way.
Urgh, takes the fun outta everything.

In contrast, my leadership class is EXTREMELY fun!
The prof is like Ellen DeGeneres, with blond hair and a lil' manly aura and a great sense of humor.
And, I really feel compelled to speak up coz she's just so encouraging and warm - you WANNA contribute to class!
Yeah i actually enjoy going to her lessons and say what I really feel about topics..Miracle for a hum-ji person like me!
She has this rule where you can say 'Pass' if you aren't feeling in the mood to talk when she calls you or have nothing to say.
But, of course, I've never used it coz I'm just so comfortable learning and contributing there.

Okay, so this totally negates the statement in Caps above..not ALL US classes suck like that, just the stupid ones which force the crap outta you.

School's good so far..except Mondays and Wednesdays (go figure.)
I love Tuesdays and Thursdays and of coz FReeDAYS !!
haha :)
Long weekends make my weekdays seem short. Lol.
Meanwhile, assignments are rushing in, so 'scuse me for the lower frequency on posts.

Miss y'all back home..I'm losing the Yin qi over here..need some gal power yo!

P.S. Maoch, I wish you were my classmate over here again to egg me on during classes! You'll help me challenge these angmohs! :(

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Ike!!

Hey peeps out there!!

just a note to say...WE ARE SAFE IN AUSTIN!!! Do Not Worry!! :)

Been getting urgent emails and notes frm family/friends back home who's heard abt the lethal hurricane hitting Texas this week, well, (i was hoping to catch a lil' action too) somehow it hasn't touched us much..yet..

Probably some strong winds on Friday night, sorta like those u get at East Coast Beach, but not more than that..we didn't even get rain the whole of Saturday which was when the storm was predicted to arrive in our vicinity! much for Waikit's hope of "cows swirling past our windows", but nah, hmm unless the storm decides to lag till Monday and we can get classes off yay! haha. okay no seriously, the devastation in Houston and Galveston the hurricane left in its wake seems pretty bad..people are evacuating here for shelter coz their homes got smashed up and all..oh man..feels weird that we are just a few miles away from them.. far there's not much hint of a storm coming our way yet so thank you all u peeps who are out there worried for us..I feel the love!! (and i do miss home still..some things are just weird here)

Will update as soon as i get more pics of e stuff around me..i should be doing one on how school looks like here (it's damn cool la!) and life on/around campus..for now..catching up on procrastinated assignments! :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

More Happiness, Less Emo-ness!! :)

haha..okay the previous entry was pretty emo..but let's just say that storm in a teacup didn't brew for too long. My cup of tea always knows how to make me happy again quick. :)

So, school's been going on for a couple of weeks now and boy, was I wrong about the system here! UT people do mug hard! Consistently summore..and the worst bit is having to speak up frequently in class. The problem is, they don't get half my words half of the time so that's a little irritating. Last week i felt super OSTRACIZED after one class where i had to team up with 3 other gals - they almost totally ignored me and just kept talking to themselves.
I felt really blue the whole day..luckily, there's always my fav bubble tea store around the corner at the end of the day to brighten things up! =D on to fun stuff i've been doing the first few wks of school..i've been COOKIN', Mummy!!
Yup, thanks to the crash course by my favorite chef, my Ma, here are some dishes i've come up with despite the limited resources (1 pot, 1 frypan, 1 pkt of chickenwings) the 4 of us have invested in after travelling to the faraway supermarket on wkends.
Dish #1: Chicken Curry!!!

Looks good right!! I just used chicken wings and drumlets, potatoes and carrots..And the ultra-yummy curry paste from the Boss!! It really did taste as scrumptious as it looks, especially after all the sucky 'fake' asian food we've been exposed to here.

Dish #2: Pumpkin Porridge!!
Haha okay this one doesnt look as good but the glorious taste sure brings back a wave of nostalgia after missing home for 1 month..Mummy's Specialty Pumpkin Porridge! i have mastered it well enough to cook it myself! Only i took 2 hours to cook this simple dish coz i had to remove the meat from the leftover chicken wings since it was the only meat we bought..IT IS NOT EASY i tell u!! And i had to chop up this Butternut Squash, which i was the only kind of pumpkin (or veg that looked like a pumpkin) i could find in the supermarket here, using a normal sized knife - not the huge chopper kinds..and this butternut squash is ROUND and HARD, and i had to practically SAW through it to cut it in half.

Yep..i didn't know making porridge needed that much energy. But it sure was worth it! :)

Okay last dish, courtesy of my dear Wei Liang on my 21st birthday..

Dish #3: Cream Pasta with Sliced Ham, Bratwursts and Smoked Salmon, and Ice Cream Fruit Salad!!

yumyum!!! More dishes coming up soon!! One dish per week at least..Keep urself posted! :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Karma's gonna haunt me soon.

It is a Freakin' bastard.

I don't even know why i'm investing all my emotions on it when it doesn't even possess the heart of a goose.

Why does it keep hurting me this way??

I've probably cried everyday of the week coz of it.

Brains, brains my arse. I'd rather it trade some for a soul instead.

So much for toleration. My tolerance is reaching its limit. Will it ever learn?

Does it even bother? Does it even care?

Arrogant little shit. I hope it gets a taste of failure soon to bring it back down to earth.

Treat me like that a little longer and that's the end of my patience.

I'm sure my life before this was way more carefree.

C'mon. Give me a little sugar. Or i'm gonna break free.