Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh, Happy Day!

Today is a HAPPY DAY!


Because, BRAD PITT IS IN THE SAME GROUP AS ME!! And we're gonna climb Mount Everest together next week!!!!!!!!!! Wheeee~~ :)

haha..did i tell you my leadership class has this Brad Pitt look-a-like? okay la..not so brad pitt looking after he cut his hair like 2 wks ago (US barbers are bad..just ask WL) but still pretty cute!!!


I'm serious abt Mount Everest..It's this video simulation thing for our leadership class that we've to register and do teamwork on next week. Super that's how i got teamed up with 4 other random people in class, according to our Myers-Briggs Test Indications or MBTI, or simply, our personality test results. I'm ENFJ, if that helps.

So anyway, YAYs!! This class rocks more than ever! hahahaha..NOW i dont have to churn up a lame excuse to take a pic with him at the end of e sem! :)

Okay, other happy things today - got my grades back for some of the leadership assignments and i'm like above average, 95 marks! haha cheap thrill la coz the weekly assignments here are meant to get u full marks in the first place, but it still feels delicious looking at good grades.

Woohoo..I love Tuesdays!

(ok gotta go for Finance class now..hope i don't fall asleep!)

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