Saturday, September 6, 2008

Karma's gonna haunt me soon.

It is a Freakin' bastard.

I don't even know why i'm investing all my emotions on it when it doesn't even possess the heart of a goose.

Why does it keep hurting me this way??

I've probably cried everyday of the week coz of it.

Brains, brains my arse. I'd rather it trade some for a soul instead.

So much for toleration. My tolerance is reaching its limit. Will it ever learn?

Does it even bother? Does it even care?

Arrogant little shit. I hope it gets a taste of failure soon to bring it back down to earth.

Treat me like that a little longer and that's the end of my patience.

I'm sure my life before this was way more carefree.

C'mon. Give me a little sugar. Or i'm gonna break free.

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