Sunday, December 26, 2010

The 3 Things I'm Grateful For This Year..

As 2011 looms closer, i'd like to look back on the recent months just past this 2010. This year has definitely been very meaningful and packed full of surprises!

Command and leaving hall, Graduation, Finding my 1st Job, Getting my 1st Job, Planning for my future home, Planning for my long-term career, Getting that elusive, dream 2nd Job... ... etc. And in-between all these milestones, a handful of perfectly-planned and executed gatherings with my fav KR pals.

Whew, it sure has been a helluva ride this year! Especially these last 2 months! My heart-beat rate was kinda erratic the past few weeks.

Anyway, before the year waves its goodbye, here are the 3 things that i'm most grateful for in 2010:
  1. A super loving and doting other-half who's not only my best friend but the VERY BEST financial researcher you can get.
  2. A great family who's always supportive no matter what - actually they convinced/keep telling me to slap the head and follow the heart.
  3. Friends who will most probably be forever - as illustrated below at our soon-to-be annual X'mas party at Aud's amazing house:

 The party turned out awesome, btw. Tons of food including roast turkey, ham, kuey pie tee, great pasta salad, and a chocolatey brownie cake mis-spelled with the words "Merry X'mas A Blk Angles"...what more could we ask for!

Pictionary, wii, monopoly deal and poker (which i won), plus a crazily amusing X'mas gift exchange session ended the night on a high note.

Well, here's lookin' forward to 2011!! :) Cheers!! ♥

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I actually made it!!

Today, I got accepted into my dream company.

Yesterday it was a only a figment of any marketing graduate's fantasy, tomorrow, it will be my reality.

Thank you for this grand opportunity God. You definitely had more faith in me than I did! to tell my boss tomorrow? :X

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas 2010!

Yay tomorrow will be one of the first times i've organised a X'mas party and I SO CAN'T WAIT FOR IT!!!

The turn-out looks great with almost 20 pple at Audrey's house - btw i love that kid she's so awesome and enthusiastic about everything! I LOVE MY WEEKENDS x 1,000,000!!

What's better than a X'mas gathering with your fav peeps + a massive potluck (roast turkey, beef, honey baked ham, pork ribs, tons of dessert) + games (wii, pictionary, poker) + a special gift exchange + the Christmas Spirit all in the same house?

Monday will be crazy all over again but at least this weekend, i'll be surrounded by (more) happiness and love! Ahh...Christmas - my fav holiday of the year!!!  :)

X'mas + Friends = Lotsa ♥!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Respect. And a whole lot of questions to myself.

Just read a very sudden email/note from one of the coolest guys I met recently. He was in my induction batch - we went through Adventure Learning camp and the Basic Presentation Course training together with a bunch of others.

In the email, he wrote that he was leaving the company to pursue his love for creating visual art and selling them. (It is true that he has a huge talent in design - his namecard says it all.) He had barely been here for 6 months, probably about 3+ months like me.... ... ...and he threw in the towel.

I admire him. For obvious reasons - he's got the guts to pursue his passion. No whining or whinging, just serve it on a candid but brilliantly-written email to everyone on why you're leaving early. 

Although we're from different depts J, but you have deeply inspired me and earned my respect!! I wish I had your guts! I don't know what to do now. If i go through with the 3rd round, do I move on?

Do I have the guts to let these 3 months go and move on? I think god might have traded some of my guts with a worrywart on me somewhere. I think i'm too concerned about the wrong things.

Am i being irresponsible? Am i letting anyone down? Am i letting myself down? Will i be happier in a new place? Will i miss the opportunities this place might bring maybe soon? Will i miss the opportunities the other place might provide? What will people think of me? What will future me think of present me? Why am i making this so difficult?

I keep telling myself to grit my teeth and press on, but that shouldn't be the way (everyday), should it? Or am I being a spoilt Gen Y-er who can't even complete what i started?

Argh. This is why i don't dare to blog anymore but i'm at the point where i think my sanity matters more than what others might think. I know, i should get a diary/livejournal but i'm too lazy. And preoccupied.

Oh well, we'll see what happens again i guess. Every week gets even more exciting. I can't believe it's Christmas already - the year was so different when it started.

When i look back to X'mas 2010, I have got to remember this overwhelming cocktail of emotions tearing me up inside. Who knew things could get so complicated? :S

haha ok i just think this is a really funny pic, altho of no or opposite relevance to this post.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Goodbye Privé @ Punggol!!!

So, the sign i was looking for arrived in the clearest way possible this Friday. Our ballot number was only called out like the 10th from the bottom of the ballot box, at 12.25 noon. Which meant we waited for 3 and a half hours since the first number was called out at exactly 9am.

By the time we got into the showflat for the booking/choosing of units, this was how the list of units looked like:

We wanted all the units that were taken already, of course.

Well, if that ain't the sign, it must mean our luck was very bad!

But nevertheless, that was definitely a first EC balloting experience to have had! T'was pretty exciting and heart-racing. Hmm, no..i should say the morning saw a miriad of emotions coursing through our blood - Nervousness, Excitedness, Worry, Frustration, Hopelessness, Getting-pissed-with-the-agent-ness, and finally Acceptance, and Faith-in-Gahmen-ness.

Haha, that could have been a rainbow already.

But yup well, it was nice learning so much about Private/Exec Condos, DBSSes, BTOs, Resales, and in general, future home options in SG. And Privé was a pretty good choice for our consideration (altho a tad pricey).

I guess I can breathe a little easier having just toed the line of blowing my lifelong savings and paying 25 years of mortgage forever and now coming back to safe ol' outta-collage-with-no-bills-to-pay-yet-life.

And I do have faith in the 22,000 flats the govt says will be coming up 2011. If not, we can always get a resale anytime!

So, goodbye Privé!! It was nice getting all excited about (a luxury home like) you! :)

Alright, time to move on now i guess!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Massive Decision.

Dear Lord,

I know I should have more faith but i'm kinda in an emotional turmoil now.  Maybe it wasn't meant to be happening all so fast; are those signs you're tossing in my way?

What's with the date clashing with a major meeting?
What's with my dad going overseas till after the date too?!

Are these the trials and tribulations i'm supposed to overcome, so the prize becomes even more worth its weight? (haha flair for drama)

Well, maybe just one more sign then. I'll wait for Friday.

Meanwhile, i pray to have strength..LOTS of it. I know i haven't been too religious lately, but these couple of weeks have been crazy! I need a sign to know if this is the right thing to wait for - Friday might just be the turning point for me, financially at least.

You know i've always been particular about that aspect of my life - this is one helluva risk i'm taking, i think.

Most importantly, i've decided to go on with Friday's meeting too. That is what i'm afraid of, actually. Fear....Be Dispelled!!

Nonetheless, thank you for everything. Especially for the pillar of strength in my life. I'll make it though this.
