Sunday, December 26, 2010

The 3 Things I'm Grateful For This Year..

As 2011 looms closer, i'd like to look back on the recent months just past this 2010. This year has definitely been very meaningful and packed full of surprises!

Command and leaving hall, Graduation, Finding my 1st Job, Getting my 1st Job, Planning for my future home, Planning for my long-term career, Getting that elusive, dream 2nd Job... ... etc. And in-between all these milestones, a handful of perfectly-planned and executed gatherings with my fav KR pals.

Whew, it sure has been a helluva ride this year! Especially these last 2 months! My heart-beat rate was kinda erratic the past few weeks.

Anyway, before the year waves its goodbye, here are the 3 things that i'm most grateful for in 2010:
  1. A super loving and doting other-half who's not only my best friend but the VERY BEST financial researcher you can get.
  2. A great family who's always supportive no matter what - actually they convinced/keep telling me to slap the head and follow the heart.
  3. Friends who will most probably be forever - as illustrated below at our soon-to-be annual X'mas party at Aud's amazing house:

 The party turned out awesome, btw. Tons of food including roast turkey, ham, kuey pie tee, great pasta salad, and a chocolatey brownie cake mis-spelled with the words "Merry X'mas A Blk Angles"...what more could we ask for!

Pictionary, wii, monopoly deal and poker (which i won), plus a crazily amusing X'mas gift exchange session ended the night on a high note.

Well, here's lookin' forward to 2011!! :) Cheers!! ♥

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