Sunday, December 5, 2010

Massive Decision.

Dear Lord,

I know I should have more faith but i'm kinda in an emotional turmoil now.  Maybe it wasn't meant to be happening all so fast; are those signs you're tossing in my way?

What's with the date clashing with a major meeting?
What's with my dad going overseas till after the date too?!

Are these the trials and tribulations i'm supposed to overcome, so the prize becomes even more worth its weight? (haha flair for drama)

Well, maybe just one more sign then. I'll wait for Friday.

Meanwhile, i pray to have strength..LOTS of it. I know i haven't been too religious lately, but these couple of weeks have been crazy! I need a sign to know if this is the right thing to wait for - Friday might just be the turning point for me, financially at least.

You know i've always been particular about that aspect of my life - this is one helluva risk i'm taking, i think.

Most importantly, i've decided to go on with Friday's meeting too. That is what i'm afraid of, actually. Fear....Be Dispelled!!

Nonetheless, thank you for everything. Especially for the pillar of strength in my life. I'll make it though this.


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