Sunday, December 12, 2010

Goodbye Privé @ Punggol!!!

So, the sign i was looking for arrived in the clearest way possible this Friday. Our ballot number was only called out like the 10th from the bottom of the ballot box, at 12.25 noon. Which meant we waited for 3 and a half hours since the first number was called out at exactly 9am.

By the time we got into the showflat for the booking/choosing of units, this was how the list of units looked like:

We wanted all the units that were taken already, of course.

Well, if that ain't the sign, it must mean our luck was very bad!

But nevertheless, that was definitely a first EC balloting experience to have had! T'was pretty exciting and heart-racing. Hmm, no..i should say the morning saw a miriad of emotions coursing through our blood - Nervousness, Excitedness, Worry, Frustration, Hopelessness, Getting-pissed-with-the-agent-ness, and finally Acceptance, and Faith-in-Gahmen-ness.

Haha, that could have been a rainbow already.

But yup well, it was nice learning so much about Private/Exec Condos, DBSSes, BTOs, Resales, and in general, future home options in SG. And Privé was a pretty good choice for our consideration (altho a tad pricey).

I guess I can breathe a little easier having just toed the line of blowing my lifelong savings and paying 25 years of mortgage forever and now coming back to safe ol' outta-collage-with-no-bills-to-pay-yet-life.

And I do have faith in the 22,000 flats the govt says will be coming up 2011. If not, we can always get a resale anytime!

So, goodbye Privé!! It was nice getting all excited about (a luxury home like) you! :)

Alright, time to move on now i guess!

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