Sunday, September 12, 2010

Maslow's Hierarchy

This thing my cousin was just telling me a couple of weeks ago stuck in my head like a blinker especially with my recent living environment (i.e. working life).

He was commenting and comparing about the different stages of our lives that we have to go through.

On marriage: "Either you want to get married, or you don't. So just get it over with lah." 

On kids: "Want to give birth, just give birth early."

On my Dad who's been religiously attending qigong sessions at 5am in the morning 7 days a week at East Coast Park: "Your dad is realising self-actualization. People like you and me, we're still at the bottom of the food-chain."

Haha. Ok i don't really agree with the first 2 comments, especially the second. It's a wayyyy different ball game when dealing with kids (he has 3 boys now at 36. Damn cute and smart kids but...i'm not there yet la haha). Marriage, i guess i understand the sentiment.

Recently some things have made me wish i could speed up the dating game and fast forward the relationship. Nope, it ain't about the two of us anymore but more so about the folks. I guess withdrawal symptoms have kicked in long ago - from seeing each other 5 days a week to barely 2 days a week now. And the day itself is just not enough!

Oh well, back to the self-actualization topic.

I do admire the folks really. They started this 100 day qigong thing which requires them to wake up at 5am everyday to 'ha qi' and 'xi qi' and do yoga-like stretches in front of the sea at ECP. Apparently after 100 days even a cancer patient will feel better.

Well, i don't doubt that, seriously. That takes some serious discipline and motivation! Trust me, i tried, once. And the best part is, it is ALL VOLUNTARY. My mum says she's not going to stop after the 100 days are up. It's going to be a lifestyle now.

Did i mention before that she said that she wants to keep healthy and live well so she won't be a burden when she gets old? Sometimes i can't help but feel damn lucky to have such thoughtful and cool parents. haha. For lack of a better description.

Yup, so i guess i'm still farfaraway from that tip of the (modern) hierarchy since i'm only just starting to earn my keep. At least i have the 3rd rung of the ladder i guess!

Thanks for breaking it down, Maslow.

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