Monday, September 13, 2010

I GOT IT!!!! :D

My very first Apple product!!! The Iphone 4!!! haha ok abit crazy now coz i took a little longer than usual lunch break just to get my hands on it (and to do medical clearance as well)! With my dear ol' mummy's help of course.

She actually went to Bugis to queue for me at 10am!! And we got 2 sets, the 2nd one under my mum's name, supposedly for my sis if she ever finds time in her workaholic schedule to actually go and change her sim card to the iphone one. Ah whatever.

I GOT MINE! wahahaha. Usually i'm not so tech-mad, in fact its quite obvious that i'm a late adopter when it comes to gadgets and stuff.

Oh well, time to go get the diff apps and accessories for my first iphone and get sucked into Apple's slyly-crafted marketing scheme, or rather the vortex of spending more and more on their complementary products!

haha found the image below while searching for maslow last nite!

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