Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reminicscing and yearning.

Just ran through the posts i wrote during the months Aug-Dec last year. How did 6 months feel like 6 awesome days in 2009 while 5 days this past week felt like 5 empty months in 2010?

Oh god. Have i chosen wrong?

Should i have chosen the private sector after all? How i miss those girls so so much.

People here are definitely not what i'd expected. What was i thinking? Fun, innocent and fresh like the ones i knew?

Who am i kidding. (it's the gahmen, afterall) 

Well, since i absolutely refuse to change my blogspot for livejournal or whichever lets me privatise my accounts, i might just have to stifle my thoughts a little.

Also good la i suppose. Better hold my reservations first; it has only been 5 days, things might just turn out for the better. *crosses fingers and all appendages*

By the way, the word "Economic" is pronounced "Air-ke-noh-mic" and not "Ee-ko-noh-mic".

Thanks for telling me. Don't think i'll forget that from now on. *grimace*

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