Monday, September 27, 2010


These past few weeks, 5 to be exact...

...have felt like I broke open a bright, gold-wrapped Ferrero Rocher with its awesome choco-nutty covered crispy wafer...

...only to find out that the praline-wrapped macadamia nut treasure inside it...

...isn't there.

Disappointment is a little of an understatement. That feeling coursing through my veins is tinged with a bit of bitter, a dash of fire, but still, with a pinch of hope.

Maybe i might find my macadamia nut soon. If i wait out a little longer. Argh.
P.S to self: Take the metaphor literally (of current situ).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


At the rate i'm staring at the computer and/or iPhone all day, i don't think my eyesight can last in the next couple of years. 

I suddenly miss the good ol' days when we had to actually read books.

Enough of work already. I need some (any kind of) therapy!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

South Africa

My parents and the lil' bro (who took leave from NS) are probably bouncin' in a jeep singing "a-whimbo-whap-a-whimbo-whap (x2) in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lions sleep tonight!!!" right now.

So fun.

Oh well. Concrete jungle here i come it's Monday again, yo!


Monday, September 13, 2010

I GOT IT!!!! :D

My very first Apple product!!! The Iphone 4!!! haha ok abit crazy now coz i took a little longer than usual lunch break just to get my hands on it (and to do medical clearance as well)! With my dear ol' mummy's help of course.

She actually went to Bugis to queue for me at 10am!! And we got 2 sets, the 2nd one under my mum's name, supposedly for my sis if she ever finds time in her workaholic schedule to actually go and change her sim card to the iphone one. Ah whatever.

I GOT MINE! wahahaha. Usually i'm not so tech-mad, in fact its quite obvious that i'm a late adopter when it comes to gadgets and stuff.

Oh well, time to go get the diff apps and accessories for my first iphone and get sucked into Apple's slyly-crafted marketing scheme, or rather the vortex of spending more and more on their complementary products!

haha found the image below while searching for maslow last nite!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Maslow's Hierarchy

This thing my cousin was just telling me a couple of weeks ago stuck in my head like a blinker especially with my recent living environment (i.e. working life).

He was commenting and comparing about the different stages of our lives that we have to go through.

On marriage: "Either you want to get married, or you don't. So just get it over with lah." 

On kids: "Want to give birth, just give birth early."

On my Dad who's been religiously attending qigong sessions at 5am in the morning 7 days a week at East Coast Park: "Your dad is realising self-actualization. People like you and me, we're still at the bottom of the food-chain."

Haha. Ok i don't really agree with the first 2 comments, especially the second. It's a wayyyy different ball game when dealing with kids (he has 3 boys now at 36. Damn cute and smart kids but...i'm not there yet la haha). Marriage, i guess i understand the sentiment.

Recently some things have made me wish i could speed up the dating game and fast forward the relationship. Nope, it ain't about the two of us anymore but more so about the folks. I guess withdrawal symptoms have kicked in long ago - from seeing each other 5 days a week to barely 2 days a week now. And the day itself is just not enough!

Oh well, back to the self-actualization topic.

I do admire the folks really. They started this 100 day qigong thing which requires them to wake up at 5am everyday to 'ha qi' and 'xi qi' and do yoga-like stretches in front of the sea at ECP. Apparently after 100 days even a cancer patient will feel better.

Well, i don't doubt that, seriously. That takes some serious discipline and motivation! Trust me, i tried, once. And the best part is, it is ALL VOLUNTARY. My mum says she's not going to stop after the 100 days are up. It's going to be a lifestyle now.

Did i mention before that she said that she wants to keep healthy and live well so she won't be a burden when she gets old? Sometimes i can't help but feel damn lucky to have such thoughtful and cool parents. haha. For lack of a better description.

Yup, so i guess i'm still farfaraway from that tip of the (modern) hierarchy since i'm only just starting to earn my keep. At least i have the 3rd rung of the ladder i guess!

Thanks for breaking it down, Maslow.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reminicscing and yearning.

Just ran through the posts i wrote during the months Aug-Dec last year. How did 6 months feel like 6 awesome days in 2009 while 5 days this past week felt like 5 empty months in 2010?

Oh god. Have i chosen wrong?

Should i have chosen the private sector after all? How i miss those girls so so much.

People here are definitely not what i'd expected. What was i thinking? Fun, innocent and fresh like the ones i knew?

Who am i kidding. (it's the gahmen, afterall) 

Well, since i absolutely refuse to change my blogspot for livejournal or whichever lets me privatise my accounts, i might just have to stifle my thoughts a little.

Also good la i suppose. Better hold my reservations first; it has only been 5 days, things might just turn out for the better. *crosses fingers and all appendages*

By the way, the word "Economic" is pronounced "Air-ke-noh-mic" and not "Ee-ko-noh-mic".

Thanks for telling me. Don't think i'll forget that from now on. *grimace*