Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tomorrow, Forever.

Oh my, Forever starts Tomorrow and i've got a big flu and cough!! Darn the sis who spread it to me over the last couple of days. :(

Feels like the first day of VW again when i had to take MC coz i came up with a feverish weekend! Oh Lord, please do not let that happen again!!

Let me wake up tomorrow fresh and spunky and ON TIME please.

It's been ages since i woke up before 8am, or 9am for that matter haha. A lil' nervous now because HR didn't send the prep letter they were supposed to to let me know who to meet, what time to come, which level to go to, etc.

So i'll just arrive on their doorstep at 8.30am i guess. Back to rush hour traffic on the MRT again..i'll just be thankful that i dont have to endure that from Kembangan to Redhill station this time, but only 15 awful minutes till City Hall station.

Kudos to awesome job location! Ok i've done my korean homework for the 7pm class tomorrow and packed my NEW birthday bag frm the girls. Yay new bag for a new job! :)

Yup will see if i get time/energy to post about my glorious 23rd birthday party at St Games. Ah nvm i'll just do it now haha. 

It was a brilliant idea to organise a wii + rockband outing for the old peeps. Turnout was great - all 15 people came except Joseph and Stephen who had family dinner and IBG respectively.

My arms and body are still reeling from the intense action that night. For only $12, we got to whack the various games for 3+ hours. It was supp to only be 2,  but we ended up staying from 7.15pm till 11pm, thanks to the nice young guy who set up everything for us and patiently waited for us to not get so high on a friday night. Plus we got one free drink and one slice of cake each and 4 LCD TVs to ourselves (part of the package)!

Super worth it! :)

Here's the peeps who came:

haha audrey was doing her crazy thing as usual

Rest of the pics do check it out on FB if u want, plenty of hilarious moments and i've yet to upload the vids!!

Ok time to sleep now and get ready for tomorrow! Aza Aza Fighting :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wigs, Hairpieces and Semi-pro Photography

Before i could really start celebrating and chillin' in response to my last entry, my dad roped me in to start a catalogue for the hairpieces that will be/are taking centerstage in the stores.

But one day of 'doing a favour' became 5 over a span of 2 weeks. Initially i was fine with helping out (helping out as in doing the entire photoshoot project myself), but then i realised that the number of stock they had was neverending. Sheesh. And i say to myself: ishouldveknown.

Not that it hasn't been fun being alone in a room full of assorted wigs of different colours and lengths with the bodyless mannequin heads during the 7th month. It's really cool how one's hairdo can change one's entire look! Damn awesome! These few days i've stepped into the shoes of a hairstylist and it is pretty cool.

Take a look at some of the do's i took shots of (with the same mannequin head):

long and curly
freaking long and scarily straight

These are just the tip of the iceberg. 4 out of the 160 wigs i took to be precise. Super tedious work okay!! Each wig had to be properly combed and placed, and the headshots had to be taken with front, side and back shots, and as you can see, the lighting wasn't very good it was DIYed with mahjong paper as background and the mannequin propped up on a mj-papered cardboard box. And i held a neon lightbulb to aid in lighting.

Whew. I buanged this mannequin head on the 2nd day when it fell backwards coz the super long wig was too heavy. :/ The nose got dented oops. Sigh..I guess the most time-consuming part would be putting all the pics onto MSword so they can be printed out. I nearly died staring at my netbook rearranging all the pics.

Obviously i'm not gifted in techy stuff like this maybe that's why i nearly went crazy after a while.

To top this 'volunteered stint', today, i was 'asked' to model for a dozen hairpieces because 1) i was the only damn free person around 2) my hair was long enough 3) not like i had much of a choice (since it was a favour).

Mind you, not that it wasn't fun or that i didn't learn alot about cool hairdos I could do with the various accessories from Sinma (this time with my own hair), but oh, how time-consuming it was!

Here's some of the cool do's (unedited)!!


Honestly cannot believe that's how the back of my head looks like. Buns never worked for me until now! (With plenty of mousse of course.)

But anw. The whole point of this post is that....I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE BECAUSE I WANT TO GET READY FOR CORPORATE JAIL!!!

Haha. By getting ready i mean slack my ass off for the very last time as a non-working person and get myself into a mental state of enthusiasm for my first shot as a working adult. These few days helping out at my dad's have been really enriching and interesting, but still.
I guess in other circumstances (i.e. about 1 month ago) i would thoroughly enjoy and continue finishing this project (there's still about 50 more wigs to shoot). But this week i have been feeling a tinge of edgyness since i submitted the signed contracts on Monday.

I really can't believe i'm starting work just next week! *shudders* Anticipation and Trepidation mixed evenly together.

Well, one last thing though. I realised that stuff in my Dad's store are actually pretty trendy, very useful and can do the most wondrous stuff to your hair! And the quality of the things sold here is quite high since most stuff are imported from Korea and Japan. Like the awesome nail polish - Mosaic (housebrand), earrings and the various hairwigs - some totally feel/look damn real la.

Hokay i'm gonna stop here its been a SUPER long post of ranting!! Bye!

Friday, August 20, 2010

This Is It!

Back from a mini-mini-icecream celebration at Udders! I guess i was rather overwhelmed today when i finally got my first and very very pleasant/surprising/oh-my-god-i-can't-believe-it offer. *beams* (Still am slightly in the overwhelmed state.)

The 100+ applications, 15 interviews and 5 recruitment agencies the past 4 months were worth it for this one awesome offer.

I still can't believe they chose me! And that i've ended up in a govt-related the end. But oh well, it's true i love my country, and this is somewhat similar to the jobscope i had in mind from the beginning of jobhunt.

And the people seem really friendly. And the entire office is circumferenced by glass panels which overlook CBD from the almost 30th floor! And i'll probably be the youngest in the department (again) but that means i get to work with more experienced people who can show me the ropes and let me peek into their wealth of wisdom. And i might get to rub shoulders with VIPS in the near future. And my office is like 15mins mrt ride away from my house!!!!!

And..much much more (benefits), but i'll leave it at here for now. :)

Oh man, I really have to thank You up there. And Lady Luck as well, i suppose. Afterall, this one application was the ONLY one not from ANY single jobsportal (including NUS Biz) or newspaper that i applied to that i successfully made through.

Not that i didn't get interviews from the traditional jobhunting mediums, but this one was really a chance suggestion from a friend of my sis whom i met at my Bizad Graduation Dinner. *Whew*..Fate or what?

Ah, only time will tell if i made the right decision that has sealed my fate! haha so dramatic but i've always taken jobhunting very very seriously.

Work starts 3 days after my birthday which is oh-so-near! It really is a pretty timely birthday present (i hope it is a good present, that is)!

Now, time to switch my bio-clock to wake at 7am instead of 10am! Wish me all the best y'all! I'm here to (finally) join the workforce! :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grad Pics @ Padang!

We had our studio shots with the graduation gowns and family last last week and i finally got the pics from the old bro! The post-studio shots i mean. Since were already in gowns, the plan was to grab shots at old parliament house/other scenic places in town.

Quite apt, with National Day around the corner then. Initially i was hoping to take pics at the old parliament house pillars and maybe marina bay but we forgot about the NDP decorations, and it started drizzling so we had to  make do at the Padang.

Live our Dreams, Fly our Flag!
(Like totally man. At least for the dreams part)

As usual i was terrible at jumpshots, so we took quite a few before catching one with us all off our feet haha
Just nice the cam caught our hats floating above the parliament dome!

At this point in time 3 buses of Hippo/Ducktours drove past and stared at us while we did our jumpshots and threw our mortarboards..quite funny lol.

We headed for the stars

And then we tried something new!! 

Thanks to our pro photographers for the day - the old bro and his gf who spent the whole day with us in the studio and out.
I must say they look pretty good tgt :)

Okay end with my fav pic of the day!

Alright its not very well taken but oh well, its got the right people in it! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anyeong Haseyeo!

Did i mention i signed up for Korean Language classes with the sis? haha yep twice a week for 5 weeks! I finally get to learn Korean! Although i must say private lessons are incomparable to the 'free' language modules in NUS.

How to compete with a module which gives you lessons 3 times per week for 10 weeks?! The difference in thoroughness and scope/depth is so obvious. And this private teacher is obviously a part-timer. He ONLY speaks Korean so every class machiam we have to play guessing games with what he's trying to say.

Oh well, at least now i can appreciate my Korean dramas more i guess! And..Jennie found this deal online called Discover your Seoul which offers only RM399 to Korea anytime this November till next Aug! Argh so tempting! But it flies only from KL airport though..weird.

Man. Offer lasts till 15 Aug 2010 only so we have to make decisions quick! I agree with Jenn - we should totally relive our Taiwan trip with tw, wk, ks, ian low, cg, etc to Korea this time! BUT. We are all grown up now with crazy schedules. Its gonna be hard to organise trips out for the oldies now!

For now, i shall try to master this new language as best as i can. Will still come in handy la nowadays Kpop/dramas/tourists everywhere. Even Stephen also boasted his new Korean hairstyle which renewed his 'attention' with everyone at our lao lang's recre boardgame session last Saturday.

Speaking of which, we should do this more often!

Pics (taken frm thyeheng's cam) of us camping at Joseph's old house - the new Mind's Cafe!

Group playing Dominion

Group holding cute little 'me-ples'

We were playing this territory-expanding game i forgot the name!

Stephen's new haircut and specs (Kpop look)

haha alrighty end of post! More updates about RAG and my family's graduation studio shots later!