Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anyeong Haseyeo!

Did i mention i signed up for Korean Language classes with the sis? haha yep twice a week for 5 weeks! I finally get to learn Korean! Although i must say private lessons are incomparable to the 'free' language modules in NUS.

How to compete with a module which gives you lessons 3 times per week for 10 weeks?! The difference in thoroughness and scope/depth is so obvious. And this private teacher is obviously a part-timer. He ONLY speaks Korean so every class machiam we have to play guessing games with what he's trying to say.

Oh well, at least now i can appreciate my Korean dramas more i guess! And..Jennie found this deal online called Discover your Seoul which offers only RM399 to Korea anytime this November till next Aug! Argh so tempting! But it flies only from KL airport though..weird.

Man. Offer lasts till 15 Aug 2010 only so we have to make decisions quick! I agree with Jenn - we should totally relive our Taiwan trip with tw, wk, ks, ian low, cg, etc to Korea this time! BUT. We are all grown up now with crazy schedules. Its gonna be hard to organise trips out for the oldies now!

For now, i shall try to master this new language as best as i can. Will still come in handy la nowadays Kpop/dramas/tourists everywhere. Even Stephen also boasted his new Korean hairstyle which renewed his 'attention' with everyone at our lao lang's recre boardgame session last Saturday.

Speaking of which, we should do this more often!

Pics (taken frm thyeheng's cam) of us camping at Joseph's old house - the new Mind's Cafe!

Group playing Dominion

Group holding cute little 'me-ples'

We were playing this territory-expanding game i forgot the name!

Stephen's new haircut and specs (Kpop look)

haha alrighty end of post! More updates about RAG and my family's graduation studio shots later!

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