Friday, August 20, 2010

This Is It!

Back from a mini-mini-icecream celebration at Udders! I guess i was rather overwhelmed today when i finally got my first and very very pleasant/surprising/oh-my-god-i-can't-believe-it offer. *beams* (Still am slightly in the overwhelmed state.)

The 100+ applications, 15 interviews and 5 recruitment agencies the past 4 months were worth it for this one awesome offer.

I still can't believe they chose me! And that i've ended up in a govt-related the end. But oh well, it's true i love my country, and this is somewhat similar to the jobscope i had in mind from the beginning of jobhunt.

And the people seem really friendly. And the entire office is circumferenced by glass panels which overlook CBD from the almost 30th floor! And i'll probably be the youngest in the department (again) but that means i get to work with more experienced people who can show me the ropes and let me peek into their wealth of wisdom. And i might get to rub shoulders with VIPS in the near future. And my office is like 15mins mrt ride away from my house!!!!!

And..much much more (benefits), but i'll leave it at here for now. :)

Oh man, I really have to thank You up there. And Lady Luck as well, i suppose. Afterall, this one application was the ONLY one not from ANY single jobsportal (including NUS Biz) or newspaper that i applied to that i successfully made through.

Not that i didn't get interviews from the traditional jobhunting mediums, but this one was really a chance suggestion from a friend of my sis whom i met at my Bizad Graduation Dinner. *Whew*..Fate or what?

Ah, only time will tell if i made the right decision that has sealed my fate! haha so dramatic but i've always taken jobhunting very very seriously.

Work starts 3 days after my birthday which is oh-so-near! It really is a pretty timely birthday present (i hope it is a good present, that is)!

Now, time to switch my bio-clock to wake at 7am instead of 10am! Wish me all the best y'all! I'm here to (finally) join the workforce! :)

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