Thursday, April 1, 2010

miserable April Fool's day :(

Okay, i take back whatever i said about liking the month of April.

I wish somebody REALLY pranked me instead of the JOKE that i'm looking at -- my timetable (and also the grades i got from the previous case study that i did. effort = result totally. *pui*).

In exactly 7 days time including today, i have to complete 1(another) full case analysis, 2 project reports, a Thai essay, practice my Thai Oral exam (scheduled on Command Day), practice 6 dances every night, and go for 2 group meetings and full rehearsals on Sunday. Actually, these all seem okay when written out like that huh.

But oh, the inertia! I ABSOLUTELY HATE CASE STUDIES!!!! Seriously man! i have headaches just thinking about them. In this fourth year of Bizad life, i can honestly and confirmatively proclaim that PROJECT WORK SUCKS! and CASE STUDIES SUCK TOO!

lol. aiyar whatever la. i'm obviously a bad student. i'll go take advantage of the approaching rainstorm now before meeting the career svc person. (and maybe it'll all go away after the rain.) -__-zzzz

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