Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I love the months of March and April in SG. Besides stressing out on fresh new beginnings for the new academic year i.e. JOB SEARCH, there's also this:

Pink flowers blooming on trees and dotting pathways! I totally love these frangipani-like pink blossoms! Feels so sakura-ish. And since my room faces the road, i get a really nice view of the pink flora littered all outside KR. There, my room is right smack in the middle below!

I guess next year i'll have the pleasure of seeing these flowers lining the field just across my house. It's even more chio there. :)

Anyway, i finally went on the SG FLYER!!! Free tix for Chingay participants!! Sadly enough everyone else was too busy to go as a group there, so as usual i went with my ever-loyal-and-also-as-eng bf haha.

We went at night, which meant the pics were very sucky and blur thanks to my lousy canon which can't take nightshots for nuts.

disgusting pic. bleah. :(

The only one which gave the tinniest bit of justice to our awesome cosmopolitan SG night view had both of us blocking the middle (and looking literally blue). haha. oh well.

Honestly, checking out the view from the top of the flyer really gives one the 'New York Manhattan' or 'HongKong CBD area' feel. It only hits you even more how much our govt has spent on this reclaimed land..*grimaces at thought of 2012 earthquake scene* We really are a developed city, albeit one of the most energy-wasting ones, but still.

Glad we used those Chingay passes though, coz i definitely won't wanna spend $30 on a simple ride like this. Universal Studios, yes! :)

Okay now, back to my tonnes of overdued and procrastinated work!

Oh lastly, one very apt photo taken at the Flyer toilet:

"Homework sucks!!"

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