Monday, April 26, 2010

EIGHT DAYS not even Ten. And no, i'm not talking about the magazine.

It's how many days left in Kent Ridge Hall. A Block. Where the love is.

Ok i'm just being overly dramatic haha my family is a great one to go back to but hey, family ain't friend.

No more gossipy nights and rodents running about in the corridor, no more trading of clothing from neighbours and watching movies in Jennie's room. No more Sheares Daniel Specials or Ah Seng Bubble Teas. *shudders*

Attempting to study is making me emo. (Although it is my final exam of my life na kha.)

But anyway, I think here's a good opportunity to reminisce Command 09/10 before I run out of time to study for Friday's exam :)

Command 09/10

Opening Dance:


Transition Dance - So You Know Who Can't Dance!

Naked Boys:

And this year, we ended off with a song by Jiaxin, Vernon and Joel. Very well done indeed: thats roughly the memories that night captured on film. I'd put up my favorite Blocks' commercials/MTVs/trailers, but i can't decide which is my favourite. Maybe it's B Block's "UP!", or E Block's "Jack Neo ad" or C Block's "New Moon Sequel"...i'll leave it to be searched in youtube when i'm in the mood. :)

For now, I have to hit the books one last time in my life..Sawatdii Kha!

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