Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Will Promise You!

Omg i know i'm supposed to be studying but i can't get this song outta my head!!! Finished watching the korean drama series "You Are Beautiful" last week. I know..damn lag right. The drama was like popular in 2009. -__- haha i'm a late adopter as usual.

Anyways. The main lead (Jang Geun-suk) is awesomely cute when he sings..and when he smiles its *melts*. DAMN CUTE. haha i feel like a tween still in puberty @__@ I think that just happens when you watch serials la. How to not get absorbed into the plot?? Superb kinda marketing - ugly also become chio/shuai. (But not in this case la :) )

In the show, the 4 of them are in the band A.N. Jell. The female lead pretends to be her twin brother coz he signed a contract to join the band as a new member but had to go for some plastic surgery op. But obviously the band members found out about her and thus the typical love triangle story unfolds..

I thought the story was okay, but well, at least there were some good lookers. And catchy music! (It's a pseudo-band btw, each of them are individual actors/artistes but they really sing/drum/rap in the concert scenes for the show! Damn talented la!)

Here's the 2 songs stuck in my head now. *loves* Especially the 2nd one!!

P.S I should totally be watching Thai dramas now instead..

P.P.S Wiki-ed JGS and he's like my age. August-baby summore. urgh. haha change of perspective!!

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