Saturday, April 17, 2010

Command 09/10

One day, when i look back and search for favorite memories in my youth, i know KR Command 2010 will always be in perspective. That night was simply awesome.

 As the end of the busiest week of my life (so far) comes to an end, so does the chapter of college life altogether. Last presentations, projects, reports and the performance happened all within 3 days.

Saying Goodbye to college life in such a fashion was kinda like a whirlwind of emotions for me - this was a start of so so many things, and only the end of the beginning of what i know as life.

I guess we all knew it would somehow have to end. But reality is so hard to swallow. I'll only know to cherish the last few crazy days i have left of hall life for the next 2.5 weeks before Europe. Then again, 7th May still seems far away enough, what with the last exam of my life to study for. For now, here are the pics/vids that epitomizes the biggest performance in my lifetime in KR.

A Block 0910. :)

3rd Floor gals 0910

Fav yr 2 neighbys!

Transition Dance - So You Know Who Can't Dance!

Super Junior

As usual :)

My netbook doesn't seem to be able to upload vids, so i'll upload them next post, with more pics of the best A Block Command i've seen in 4 years. My heart is so wrapped in layers of emotion this week i thought it might just burst from the love/excitement. :)

Later then!

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