Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Block Command and Girls' Night Out!

Been crazy busy this week!! Can't believe its Thursday tomorrow already. Interviews are finally rolling in (Thank God!) - one yesterday and L'Oreal this friday!!! OMG. Thinking about it already brings mixed feelings coz it is one of the big companies i applied for, and well..i'll leave it at being excited for now (shall not jinx it yet).

Anyway, here's the post on the BEST A Block Command ever!!! Honestly, this year's block comm really put in damn alot of effort. The night was heavy with videos and speeches, and even a short orientation-like game where we had to run through a paper wall, blow a pingpong out of a bowl of flour, crawl under a table and burst a balloon. All with (choose one) chilli padi/toufu/raw prawn/hardboiled egg/ginger in our mouth.

The MPSH was prettily decorated with lightbulbs and sticks (?!?!) when we entered..

The FYFs were then invited ceremoniously on a mini-stage in the dance room...

Then to an Only-A-blockers-can-whip-out-this-Superbly-Scrumptious buffet supper.

and then there was the crazy game where we were doused in flour, then back to dance room for gift-giving and goodbye/thankyou speeches.

The block comm made hand-sewned pillows with our names on it!! Really awesome la, quite cute and just the kinda thing i like. haha.

Haox cried at this point, while ending his speech. Just wanna remember this pic, coz he kinda represented what most of us felt about staying in hall and especially A block. And it has all of our heads doused in flour. -__-

Here's all the A Block FYFs with our pillows. Really like this pic :)

haha really cute pic! And then...we FYFs had our gift to the block as a whole (besides the lame awards as per tradition during the supper).

Yay! Finally a mural on our lounge wall! Proud of this pic coz a couple of us handpainted it over the weekend, and i think there's like 4 or 5 handprints which belong to me. haha. The block comm went straight away to create a heineiken video about it. Really quite touched by that coz that was damn immediate.

Anyway, here's a last pic about A block command - the gifts i got from my precious neighbies!

Yupyup!! So A Block Command 09/10 - my command - was what i imagined it would be, or better. :)

And yesterday we had 3rd floor girls' dinner out at Crystal Jade XLB and Everything with Fries @ Holland V. That was crazy too. i'll just put these 2 outta the 140 pics taken that epitomizes the outing..

@ KR Bus stop

Outside Frolick!

alrighty gotta rush to FYF bbq now! Yums :) Maybe will post an exclusive entry just for Command vids.

Note to self: i will so miss this busyness when school's really over.

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