Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I love the months of March and April in SG. Besides stressing out on fresh new beginnings for the new academic year i.e. JOB SEARCH, there's also this:

Pink flowers blooming on trees and dotting pathways! I totally love these frangipani-like pink blossoms! Feels so sakura-ish. And since my room faces the road, i get a really nice view of the pink flora littered all outside KR. There, my room is right smack in the middle below!

I guess next year i'll have the pleasure of seeing these flowers lining the field just across my house. It's even more chio there. :)

Anyway, i finally went on the SG FLYER!!! Free tix for Chingay participants!! Sadly enough everyone else was too busy to go as a group there, so as usual i went with my ever-loyal-and-also-as-eng bf haha.

We went at night, which meant the pics were very sucky and blur thanks to my lousy canon which can't take nightshots for nuts.

disgusting pic. bleah. :(

The only one which gave the tinniest bit of justice to our awesome cosmopolitan SG night view had both of us blocking the middle (and looking literally blue). haha. oh well.

Honestly, checking out the view from the top of the flyer really gives one the 'New York Manhattan' or 'HongKong CBD area' feel. It only hits you even more how much our govt has spent on this reclaimed land..*grimaces at thought of 2012 earthquake scene* We really are a developed city, albeit one of the most energy-wasting ones, but still.

Glad we used those Chingay passes though, coz i definitely won't wanna spend $30 on a simple ride like this. Universal Studios, yes! :)

Okay now, back to my tonnes of overdued and procrastinated work!

Oh lastly, one very apt photo taken at the Flyer toilet:

"Homework sucks!!"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time to Acknowledge being an Oldie

Amidst the humdrum of school life - getting stuck between being bored/slack/fat and then suddenly rushing projects/case studies for last minute submissions, i realize...


It's week 10! Zomg. TEN. And school ends week Thirteen!

Disgusting how time flies like that.

And of course, there's Command '10 the week before the last week of school..which means in 2 weeks!

Hmm..Breaking down the calendar like that really puts things into perspective. @__@ *nausea*

At times like this i almost feel scared. More like trepidation actually.

I'm finally getting down to Commanding!!! Practices have been going on weekly since last week, which was awfully close to the 2 weeks that are coming..i'm a little bit overwhelmed with the amount of dance steps i have to learn; mostly because i unthinkingly chose stage items of the same genre.

Oh God, how am i ever gonna remember 6 different dances?! I can hardly keep up with mass dances much less this now!! I really wish i chose playing in a band though, i do miss playing music terribly, but it is a little late for that already...

Let's say i'll be doing something totally beyond my wildest abilities then. haha. *prays hard* Will. Need. Miracle. To. Look. Hot.

Can't wait to see how everyone's been practicing their items, really hope this year's performance will work out smoothly! (Lord knows the management is pretty weak -__-)

Nonetheless, the items chosen seem entertaining enough for our 'usual' taste, and with the number of popular personalities onstage this year, my bet goes with the audience laughing >65% of the time at least. :)

Oh, and i almost forgot to mention that i really like our FYF T-shirt this year! Cute + meaningful. *thumbs up* to Yanjie for his artistic skills with pixels! (Initially we wanted to put a turban on top of the pyramid, but hard to draw lah..ended up looking literally like crap. But i'm sure every FYF '10 who looks at the pyramid will subconsciously think of that now haha.)

Right, off to practices now!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21st, 2007

To my dearest Deardear:  HAPPY 3rd Year!!!

Year 1
Year 4

Seems to me like Chingay brought us together..haha among other things of course. Today marks the 3rd year of our official date - just wanna say that every day spent with you so far has been the best time of my youth.

From Bintan to Bangkok, Taiwan to Texas, Genting, Batam, Bahamas, Vegas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Orlando and soon Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Rome, Barcelona, London...with Korea and Japan next in line....i guess we've travelled halfway around the world together already. With more adventures to come! :)

Thank you my best friend, my one and only, first and last! *muacks*

                    ♥         ♥

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Everyone Should Go BKK!!

haha finally got down to reminiescing about Bangkok. It was good, yeah. Good Food, Good Shopping despite crazy hot and sticky weather. Best of all, it was the freedom that came with it for 1 whole week! Loves it. This pic totally depicts what i felt just before the flight to BKK on 28th Feb: DUTY FREE!

We landed on a Sunday morning, and headed straight to Chatuchak. Never been there before until then, and unsurprisingly, the complex market was a haven for intense shopping. Think Bugis Street x 100 times in size.

They have really uncensored t-shirts which were actually funny. But none i would wear in SG. Like this one:

And an art section with canvas paintings and crafted art. When i get a house i'll definitely get one of these to hang on my walls!!

Chatuchak was super tiring especially after literally chionging from the airport there, but i guess it was one of the most value for money shopping trips. Next, we went to a TukTuk!!

I really love riding to places in this..damn old school with wind in your hair. Too bad for the cheating uncles who kept forcing us to go to shops though. We ended taking taxis which were way cheaper and more comfy for the 2nd half of the trip.

ANW (in MBK we) DISCOVERED THE MOST GLORIEST PAD SEE EEW (kuay teow fried in dark soy sauce with chicken/pork/seafood) OF ALL!!!

Looks ordinary here but it is super crazy delicious! Dunno what sauce they put in it to make it so addictive. It's like MSG but it's not. (But Thais have a track record of adding tonnes of sugar in their food.) omg i already feel like going back JUST for this! We went to MBK like 2 or 3 times just to eat this. And Tom Yam Kung as well.

Nothing much else in MBK besides cheap makeup (M.A.C @ S$4) and boardshorts (Billabongs). It was really just the food court we were so high about..haha.

Oh, when we went back to our hotel we found this side stall selling this:

Thai version of crepe!! Inside was slathered with generous amounts of any type of ingredients you choose from the board. We loved the ham, pork floss and pineapple jam combi. So sinful! (and we ate that like twice since it was just outside our hotel for only 30 baht = less than S$2!)

There was Suan Lum Night bazaar and Patpong - where we went to watch our 1st Tiger Show! To be honest, there was nothing erotic about it. The horde of naked bodies on stage was actually abit depressing coz you could tell the girls were just so used to it and they had to go on hour after hour back-to-back after each 'show' ended! There were crazy tricks they did like pull out a 5+m long string from their privates, one had blades strung on the string! Can't imagine the pain they had to endure to train for this!

Disclaimer: We didn't plan to go for the show, but after 2 drivers (1 tuktuk 1 cab) advised us not to go to the night bazaar so early coz there were "Protesters" and after walking around aimlessly since even Platinum closed for the night at 8pm, we didn't know where else to go. So not wanting to waste time and since we both hadn't been to one, we agreed to go for the show. It was quite an eye-opener actually. We went in after seeing a bunch of girls and a family go into the sleazy bar before us.

There was also Khao San night market, not very big though, but we met up with my cousins on the 1st day of their trip and 6 of us squeezed into a cab to get there.

On the last day of our trip we met Paul Twohill in the lift at our hotel. We tried to squeeze in the tiny lift (max 6 pple) even though there were 5 of them. So anw we had to get out since the lift door wouldn't close. That was when we realized it was him when we turned back and he said "Sorreh!" with a peace sign haha . Wasted, should have taken pics with him la.

So we went back to SG with alot of good buys. More specifically, me. Lol, really hard to find guys stuff besides shorts. Their tshirts are not very good quality for guys.

See the colorful luggage bag there? It was EMPTY when we brought it there and totally full when we brought it back! End off with a nice pic of just my buys! :)

Definitely one of my best shopping trips - everything for roughly S$200!! :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Paris, soon.

Grad trip to Europe bought and confirmed!!!!

But. IT IS DAMN CRAZYASS TIRING to book internal flights and train schedules!! Europe websites are damn stupid la! Me n wl tried using 3 different credit cards and got rejected like 1034856 times from the websites. And they log out really fast too.

Sigh. Pls don't let the rates go up too steeply. I'll try my best to get a brand new debit card just for this this weekend!

It's been a super draining week in contrast to last week's full getaway at Thailand since i had to pia 4 midterms and 1 presentation (last min cramming of work) within the week. haha 先甜后苦 is better than nothing i guess. Meanwhile, also on the lookout for jobs. Maybe it's still too early in the year yet for companies to post their positions... @__@

Can't believe i'm planning another trip (and more ex this time) again..after june i'll be the poorest i've ever been in many years. (All that 20 years of hongbao savings for this!) Rawrs.

ok enough ranting, back to whacking those frustrating websites again. C'mon now don't let us waste all that research!!

BKK, Thai pics coming up soon! :)