Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21st, 2007

To my dearest Deardear:  HAPPY 3rd Year!!!

Year 1
Year 4

Seems to me like Chingay brought us together..haha among other things of course. Today marks the 3rd year of our official date - just wanna say that every day spent with you so far has been the best time of my youth.

From Bintan to Bangkok, Taiwan to Texas, Genting, Batam, Bahamas, Vegas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Orlando and soon Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Rome, Barcelona, London...with Korea and Japan next in line....i guess we've travelled halfway around the world together already. With more adventures to come! :)

Thank you my best friend, my one and only, first and last! *muacks*

                    ♥         ♥

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