Saturday, March 13, 2010

Paris, soon.

Grad trip to Europe bought and confirmed!!!!

But. IT IS DAMN CRAZYASS TIRING to book internal flights and train schedules!! Europe websites are damn stupid la! Me n wl tried using 3 different credit cards and got rejected like 1034856 times from the websites. And they log out really fast too.

Sigh. Pls don't let the rates go up too steeply. I'll try my best to get a brand new debit card just for this this weekend!

It's been a super draining week in contrast to last week's full getaway at Thailand since i had to pia 4 midterms and 1 presentation (last min cramming of work) within the week. haha 先甜后苦 is better than nothing i guess. Meanwhile, also on the lookout for jobs. Maybe it's still too early in the year yet for companies to post their positions... @__@

Can't believe i'm planning another trip (and more ex this time) again..after june i'll be the poorest i've ever been in many years. (All that 20 years of hongbao savings for this!) Rawrs.

ok enough ranting, back to whacking those frustrating websites again. C'mon now don't let us waste all that research!!

BKK, Thai pics coming up soon! :)

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