Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009!

Hands up whoever felt the year went by in a flash! I know mine's up..dang 2009 went really fast this time! But amidst the blur of time, i can only say that it was a year well spent for me.

Milestones in 2009:

January: 1st Case Competition @ L'Oreal Brandstorm - got to semi-finals at least! :)

February: Making the biggest decision of my final year life to not participate in Command 08/09 and break free from the traditional route of college life for that much-needed marketing internship. (Whew, glad that worked out fine..heh!)

March: 2nd Year Anniversary with the DearDear. [ :) x 2 ]

April: Flying on a private jetplane over SG with Maoch as pilot!

May/June: Walking 5 dogs for the 1st time - i still want that little beagle of mine..definitely in this lifetime!

July: Attending one long shot of about 10 interviews before clinching my 1st marketing internship.

August: Chingay '09 winning hands down! And me holding the Chancellor's shield with my KR FYFs 09/10.

September: Getting to know cars, and still lovin' the VW New Beetle Cabriolet! *muahs*

October: 1st time at F1 Rocks..wasn't a v gd experience but well, still a 1st time, and free tix!

Octoberfest: Really getting to know the awesome people at VW.

November: The Polo Non-Stop Challenge - my very 1st hands-on experience of a full-blown marketing campaign. Only one word - Awesome!

December: ZoukOut 2009 - biggest party of the year (besides the '09 countdown) with famous DJs and party music, basking among drunk pple but got a couple of freebies from diff sponsors on e beach haha.

Mid-December: Saying goodbye to my besties at work. Breaks my heart that things won't be the same again but nonetheless, it was my fortune to have met y'all! *loves*

31st December: Reminiscing a beautiful year past and still thanking the lord for the best bf.

Well, the only reason i can think of why 2009 whooshed past would be that it was fully packed. Especially the 2nd half. haha thank God it all went well! Couldn't have learnt more about marketing work, office politics and good pals.

Ok i shall end off with the video that i wanted to post exactly the same time this year last year. Enough of words's my New Year's Eve '08 - best countdown of the century!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Niche unfound.

I'm back on green grass and it's weird. Maybe i should just keep reading my least it keeps me thinking of places worlds away.
It's horrible how i'm kinda trapped between time now - i'm sorry but where do i belong to again? Somebody tell me coz i don't feel like i'm anywhere right now. Where do i fit in?
Where do i fit in?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Closing of an Awesome Chapter.

Right now i'm kinda in like a bubble of emotion. You know how people always say a person's life flashes chronologically in front of their eyes when it's 'the end'?

Yeah, that's what i'm feeling now, albeit about VW. Somehow today's endless farewells have finally gotten into my head; maybe it's the effect of not having enough sleep after staying up to do farewell cards then going to timbre till midnight right after work, or maybe it's re-reading through the letters and the handmade scrapbook the girls made me and another colleague's sms, or maybe it could even be not having the bf around for 15 days of reservist, but omg why can't i stop these tears from falling?

I suddenly feel so loved. But i still have to turn the last page of the chapter. It's in moments like these that even a non-Christian like me cannot deny the presence of God. Thank you up there for all the wonderful people you've brought to me in this mere 6 months. Seriously. It couldn't have been any better. Great Boss, Great Colleagues and an Awesome Brand. I know i've probably repeated that a million times this year already but this is it. My best X'mas present ever - the best internship experience I could ask for.

And it even comes with side effects - I think it's gonna take a couple of months for me to lose the habit of staring at car logos everytime a car passes by. Every. Single. Car. haha..i'm crazy i know but i really have been staring at cars on the road for 180 days. Every single moment. (I had to start learning about cars from scratch somehow!)
Alrighty, pictures of the farewell cards made below..time to nurse those eyebags..FINALLY! :)

One more left to do for Ting before meeting her tmr! *yawns*

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

You bring out the best in me.

Only 3 full days left at Volkswagen Singapore. This is all gonna be so cliched but..i didn't think it'd all pass so fast. 6 months!!! 180 days! Whoosh..all gone.

I've made up my mind to make sure these precious friendships made in VW are kept for as long as i can keep them going. If there was one thing i needed to remember about this internship, it would be the memories of the 4 of us laughing together. Alot.

Most of all, you girls made me realize the better parts of myself.

Thank you loves!

Monday, December 14, 2009

ZoukOut 2009 - 人间地狱

Volkswagen sponsored the official car of ZoukOut '09, so there i was, helping out at the VIP booth from 8pm-8am on the weekend. Initially me and Dee were supposed to only man the booth and tick the guest list plus give out drink coupons....until the crowd started getting overwhelming.

Us at one of e 4 VWCar & Bars on e beach

10 models were hired to stick tattoos on people..

But when the crowd started piling in, me and Dee had to do the job ourselves (for free). And with our bare hands and water bottles coz all the water sprays died after less than 1 hr and there weren't enough to go around. Although i hardly wanna recall the horrific scenes that happened that night, here's a rightful description of hell-on-earth 2009.

People got wasted really early like 2am..and puking beside us. This girl fainted in the middle of the party due to intoxication and we had to call security to drag her to this puke corner. Consequently during the night various pukees came over to this highly magnetic spot, what my colleague called "The Fengshui Spot" and kept puking, then sitting in their own vomit. We helped by burying the puke and calling security while another pukee would return to the spot again, and slump unknowingly onto "The Fengshui Spot".

I should at least be paid for pasting this on with my bare hands!! :X

Plenty of drunk guys came over to our booth to ask for tattoos to be pasted onto them and many in awkward places. I don't think we could say no then. The models were roaming all over the beach and there just weren't enough people to cater to tattoo pasting demand at our booth..sigh. *Dettol please*

At 4am bodies were strewn all over the beach, totally spannered.

Getting to the loo was like walking through the gates of Haw Par Villa's 'Lake of Fire' for sinners. (I seriously had a flashback on the spot to my primary school days when the parents brought us to HPV.) Gay men dancing hip to hip (i never knew SG had this many gays..not that i'm against them, but seeing them live and intoxicated is a really frightening experience especially since most are very well-built.) and women in various states of undress, mostly being groped and 'helpfully carried' by guys who were only too willing. *rolls eyes*

Dee was saying if the parents of these clubbers were here to see their children in this state it would totally break their hearts. I agree. I don't see how drinking bitter liquid and getting spannered and taken advantage of is any fun. Plus the music SUCKED big time. Which part of house/trance music excites anybody?!

Well i can't say the party was all stupid though (despite being a gay/drunkard's/cheap female paradise and although i won't go back again even if u paid me), coz we made friends with 3 pretty cute NTU guys who stayed sober throughout the party. :)

And our car display rocked!
And we did get to stay in Rasa Sentosa for a while...(saw Chao GuoHui at the lift lobby probably waiting to join the gay party)

Damn chio view of the sunrise

Here's a pic with 2 of my besties from work too!

Yepyep..that rather sums up my traumatic experience of ZoukOut 2009. Sinner's Party on Sentosa beach!

Monday, December 7, 2009


I don't think i've kept so many secrets all at once before.

Recently, it just seems like i'm the best person to be Secret Keeper oweing to my position and status and well, i'm just the right person at just the right time i guess.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not uncomfortable being Secret Keeper. I'm actually honoured to have people trust me enough to confide in me, but oh, the pain! The pain i feel for each individual and the secret they must keep at least for now. For certain things said in an organization can be so easily misinterpreted and thus plant tiny seeds of doubt and distrust in this horribly fertile soil, which will only grow into vines of suspicion and animosity.

But the truth will be out eventually, and the respective individuals whom these secrets will affect will certainly have to bear the brunt of the decision - the decision made by one person who sat at the top and couldn't see the bottom clearly, as do most people.

Well, it may or may not be the right thing to do, but only time will tell. For now, i'll stick to being a good Secret Keeper; i'll be abdicated soon enough anyway.

Good Luck Everybody!!!