Monday, December 7, 2009


I don't think i've kept so many secrets all at once before.

Recently, it just seems like i'm the best person to be Secret Keeper oweing to my position and status and well, i'm just the right person at just the right time i guess.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not uncomfortable being Secret Keeper. I'm actually honoured to have people trust me enough to confide in me, but oh, the pain! The pain i feel for each individual and the secret they must keep at least for now. For certain things said in an organization can be so easily misinterpreted and thus plant tiny seeds of doubt and distrust in this horribly fertile soil, which will only grow into vines of suspicion and animosity.

But the truth will be out eventually, and the respective individuals whom these secrets will affect will certainly have to bear the brunt of the decision - the decision made by one person who sat at the top and couldn't see the bottom clearly, as do most people.

Well, it may or may not be the right thing to do, but only time will tell. For now, i'll stick to being a good Secret Keeper; i'll be abdicated soon enough anyway.

Good Luck Everybody!!!

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