Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Day to Double-Two!!

Haha i'm not exactly trying to celebrate my last day of being 21 years old..ahh but u're only 21 once! And then i'll be 22 tomorrow. Super fast!!

Well, i think it's a perfect time to summarize what my 21st year was made out of - manymanymanymany new experiences..Here's 10 of the best:
  1. Started the year celebrating my 21st in Texas; being pushed out into the wild with a gang of Hwa Chong boys was nearly bad enough to suffocate the cheena-ness out of me. But i survived! :)
  2. My cheena boy and me are officially tolerant (forever and evermore kind) of each other in and out of a household already! *thumbs up*
  3. Los Angeles, Dallas, San Fransisco Golden Bridge, Miami Beach, Bahamas, Las Vegas, New York New York!!
  4. And the original Disneyworld. 'Nuff said.
  5. Jason Mraz LIVE on stage (like 5m away)!
  6. Reuniting with KR Ablkers and making super alot of freshie friends this year!
  7. Being a POKER fan!
  8. Getting this awesome internship!
  9. Getting closer to really knowing what i'd wanna do and gaining that much-needed confidence!
  10. The hopes of Chingay '10 and KR Command to come!

Yep. Best 10 things to have done when u're 21 years old and living the daylights outta Life!

Thank you you up there and above!

Goodbye my 21 year old self and Hello to a wiser 22 year old me! :)

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