Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Big Fat Excuse :P

I've totally neglected this spot!!! Too many things, too little time this September. Birthday post, KR DND '0910, JC Class gathering, A Block Initiation, Choir Audition, and 3 Car campaigns coming up frm now till Nov!!!

With full-time internship and nightly hall activities, i sadly regret not writing much. But i'm definitely feeling the weight of storing the memories up here *points to brain* and the result is being more cranky too since i havent been venting certain frustrations online..AND the poor bf is bearing the brunt of the emoness!!

Sorry deardear i will try my best to keep the emo down. And the fat as well! Sigh. Working life is NOT conducive for weightloss.

Alrighty, end here b4 e boss catches me. :S

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