Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Day to Double-Two!!

Haha i'm not exactly trying to celebrate my last day of being 21 years old..ahh but u're only 21 once! And then i'll be 22 tomorrow. Super fast!!

Well, i think it's a perfect time to summarize what my 21st year was made out of - manymanymanymany new experiences..Here's 10 of the best:
  1. Started the year celebrating my 21st in Texas; being pushed out into the wild with a gang of Hwa Chong boys was nearly bad enough to suffocate the cheena-ness out of me. But i survived! :)
  2. My cheena boy and me are officially tolerant (forever and evermore kind) of each other in and out of a household already! *thumbs up*
  3. Los Angeles, Dallas, San Fransisco Golden Bridge, Miami Beach, Bahamas, Las Vegas, New York New York!!
  4. And the original Disneyworld. 'Nuff said.
  5. Jason Mraz LIVE on stage (like 5m away)!
  6. Reuniting with KR Ablkers and making super alot of freshie friends this year!
  7. Being a POKER fan!
  8. Getting this awesome internship!
  9. Getting closer to really knowing what i'd wanna do and gaining that much-needed confidence!
  10. The hopes of Chingay '10 and KR Command to come!

Yep. Best 10 things to have done when u're 21 years old and living the daylights outta Life!

Thank you you up there and above!

Goodbye my 21 year old self and Hello to a wiser 22 year old me! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hall is my Addiction.

Every single moment after 6pm is so precious nowadays. I hardly get time to blog now coz it's been crazy every night - FWOC, Rag n Flag, Dating Game and now Star-to-Burst amongst IBG trainings.

For the first time in my hall life i actually have multiple bruises on my forearms due to Vball (amongst other ball games) pracs, blisters on my feet coz i'm running everywhere at night after wearing heels the entire day and not to mention having larger eyebags than ever.

But hell yeah, I'M LOVIN' ALL OF IT!!!

I can safely say that out of these 4 years of KR in A block, THIS HAS THE BEST BATCH OF FRESHIES AND A BLOCK CHEMISTRY!!!!

Kudos to Tzewee and A Block Comm! :) *2 thumbs up*

It was clear how well the freshies blended in on Rag Day which btw, totally rocked my damn-old-final-year socks!!!! :)


My fav squid photo!

KRFYFs '0910!! My first time holding the shield! :)

I'm just glad i'm given the chance for another 365 days of bliss with my favorite people before graduating.

Now, i am ready for Command!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Heart's in Two Places

Been a while since i last penned down what i really feel deep deep inside..too many spurs of the moment passed before i had the chance to catch them and pull them into words!

How does one explain the feeling of being torn between two worlds? Juggling a full-day job with a full-night 'family' life is nuts!! At work, i think about hall; at hall i think about work. It's honestly driving me crazy!

I miss staying up late (playing poker, supper, or simply gossiping) and sleeping in till the wee morning is over.

I miss just slacking around in my personal space for the entire day and having neighbours pop over and tell me they're just as bored in the afternoon.

I miss having loads of time just hanging around with the bf and kboxing.

I miss being the person who has the most time to spare to intervene in everybody's business.

I miss complaining that i'm brain-dead bored to anyone and everyone who would listen.

But then again, the grass is always greener on the other side; whichever side you're on. Oh, the irony! Well, at least i definitely know now which side of the pasture i'd rather be on.

Okay okay, seeing that i still have 5 more months = 150 days = 3600 hours more to go in this internship, i know i'd better make the best of it. It really isn't very bad; it's actually a pretty decent job/location/place to be right now. I'm just longing for the greener pasture. :X
Right, back to work! :)