Thursday, August 28, 2008


I'm 21!! Though it doesn't really feel like it yet..
One of the most meaningful gifts I got this year was my very own Birthday Song:

Song for the Sis

Hey Sis, you’ll be missed
Even if it kills me to admit
I’ll be fine, oh don’t fret
There’s always the new boys to smile at

I want you to know,
That nothing’s ever a competition
We read each others’ minds
And that is no assumption.
No matter how much we fight
Or how long we steam,
We’ll always come back together like strawberries and cream.

I just wanna say,
Don’t envy me for being more bold;
Sometimes I think you
You always have more self-control!
Anyhow who can wish for more
We can talk thru the nights
And you’re never a bore

So take care, my better half
Have fun while you can.
I hope your BF takes care of you
In that oh-so-faraway land!

No matter the miles
Or lack of communication styles,
When you’re down never frown
I’m just a message away…

You’ll always be a part of me.
I’m part of you indefinitely.
So Happy Birthday my twinnie twin,
And Happy Birthday to me too..

You rock lah, Sis! *hug*..i sure hope you get plenty of sweet surprises this special year. :)

It's an exceptionally long birthday this year for me, being in a place 13 hours behind SG time. Well, in a way it's kinda special that i'm far away from home and people i know/love. New friends in a new environment..

The 2 other boys staying with me gave me my very first gift at midnight -- Real Fireworks in a box! i can't wait to light them up soon..heard it's illegal tho..haha

WL was really sweet too of course, he got me JASON MRAZ live concert tickets!!! i'd given up hope on that after missing him at SingFest '08 and then after they got sold out online for the concert live in Austin..dunno how he got these hot tickets la..super sneaky..I'M DAMN HAPPY CAN!!!! *beams* (i got the best bf ever!!)

27th August was also the 1st day of school, and my schedule is jam-packed on Mondays and Weds! Had 8-9.30am, 9.30-11am, 12.30-2pm, 3.30-5pm classes and of course, nth exciting happend during class except my identity crisis which i had to convince myself i am my new angmoh name. (don't tell u guys yet)

Reached home, WL cooked dinner for two - his very first time! Super effort! Cream Pasta with ham and pan-fried shimp, smoked salmon and 2 huge bratwursts..there was even dessert! Fruit salad of sliced mangoes, grapes, bananas and cherry tomatoes with a huge dollop of Haagen Daaz Rum n' Raisin ice cream. Sinful to the max..i almost couldn't walk after that. (i got the best bf ever!!)

Gift #3 frm WL: a SBSP helium balloon floating in my closet! whee..happiness..haha (cheap thrill) Gift #4: A super-cool-pink nike shorts in my wardrobe! (just what i needed) :)

8pm, went out with the Singapore Students Association (SSA) pple for more icecream and cakes at Mozart's. (i was too full to eat much of the choc cake treat) More debates and brainstorming on what better angmoh name suits me..some good ones like Alesquini (thanks Waikit!), Mollie, Pocahontas (again), Fantasy(a PRC named herself that!),etc which cracked us all up.

11pm, back home for our nightly Texas Hold'em Poker with the 3 guys.. outta the living room and reached toward my room door..and found out i got locked out of my own room!!!

Somehow the lock had not been fully turned properly from the inside before i came out to play poker and closed the door on reflex. *sigh* damn suay.

So..more poker and Asshole Daidi till 3am while we waited for emergency maintenance to 'rescue' us. (Oh, and i shld talk abt how we've set up this 'Asshole Daidi board' to rank the players for our nightly sessions of cards. Quite cool! Shall post pics soon.) We gave up waiting at 3.30am when as usual, the inefficient office bailed out on us..poor WL and Justin had 8am classes in the morning.

Yup, so i slept on the couch on the night of my birthday. Super memorable. Well that's it for my birthday update!

THANK YOU Upstairs for Everything!! <3

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ghost Ships and Tube Rides

Been a while since i've blogged, because....we went on a Road Trip to Corpus Christi, South Padre Island and San Antonio wooOO!! :)

Corpus Christi: The Blue Ghost Ship (called so coz apparently, it couldn't get destroyed during Pearl Harbor days). -__-

That was the pic taken at night when we arrived at Corpus Christi after setting off on this impromptu drive south of Austin (finally cleared all sch admin stuff) and were half bitten to death by the gigantic mozzies swarming about the beach..somehow the ship glows blue at night..pretty awesome.

Saturday morning was spent at a quaint restaurant where we had huge pancakes and omelettes and for me, a cheesy grilled beef mushroom sandwich which blew my tastebuds away. It doesnt look nice on e pic so here's e pic we took of the picture behind us at our table which was some kinda laser-lighted thing which made e whole pic 3D. haha.

Here's the ship taken in the day and the stuff on it: It's actually an aircraft carrier, and had many different kinda planes on it. (Maoch, I couldn't help but think how u'd go nuts if u were here!) Usually, it's not my thing to go on warships, but there wasn't much to do at Corpus Christi except get sucked dry by blood-thirsty mozzies so we had to find cover. The insides of the ship were quite claustrophobic. Perfect setting for Fright Night (even in the day).

Somehow most of the shops near e beach love to put larger-than-life-sized sharks at their entrances which is pretty cool i must say.

Saturday evening, continued drive down to South Padre Island which was abt 4hrs away. Here's how our expert driver looked like driving (on cruise control with MP3s, knees up on his seat, singing and all in the rain w/o using screen wipers!):

Not much done in South Padre Island except go-karting and dinner, and by midnight we decided to drive all e way down to San Antonio for a full Sunday of splashin' at Schlitterbahn (name of waterpark) and a walk at the Alamo (historical fort).

Breakfast at San Antonio, super atas place with fantastic service and classic English setting. Our food tastes as good as it looks! English Biscuits/Sausage tacos with fruit, and plum trees at e background..*swoon* to the best part of our road trip..Schlitterbahn!! The Biggest Waterpark in the World!! One full day with my dearie dear doing what we love best---water tubing!! The Ba Xian Le Yuan Waterpark at Taiwan was exhilarating, but this is the BOMB!

Check out these 2 crazy slides called the Master Blaster and the Wolf's like 6 storeys high and wooshes you up and down on a figure 8 tube with your partner. Another ride i loved was called the Dragon's Revenge - the coolest ride with 3D laser effects IN the tube!! There wasn't time to take pics though, the queues were mad coz it was a Sunday. Oh yeah, one thing about Americans in WaterParks..some are like super obese and the whole 6-storey tower was literally wobbling coz of all e weight..quite scary esp if the person in front of you is like obviously not less than 200 pounds. (what if the tube splits while you're halfway down?!!)

Haha okay..that's as short a summary as i can do for our 3 day roadtrip before sch starts like tomorrow. Lemme drop a few more thoughts i had the past 20+ days away from home:
  1. I'm glad i've got WL with me.
  2. Playing cards with 3 Chi High guys - absolutely ego crushing.
  3. There's almost always only one post on Asshole Daidi for me.
  4. I'm getting good at Texas Hold'em Poker.
  5. I love the UT Co-op. It has EVERYTHING branded with the UT logo/longhorn including perfume, watches, hammers, footballs, charcoal, baby prams, salt & pepper shakers, mats, special sauces, you name it!
  6. I miss chicken rice and my mom's homecooked soups.
  7. I am not as fat as i think.
  8. I am getting quite tanned!
  9. I am really quite short.
  10. I can cook swell omelettes. =]
    Miss yall back home! <3>

Friday, August 15, 2008

A ShoutOut to All...


I can't stand it alr!! i tell pple to call me T.Y. but they can't even get the very pronunciation right or they think i'm saying something"CheeBye". 1 week already!!

Wth can.

So please, please people out there..think me something that rings well with my personality or a name that associates with my name so i can respond to it easily. Thanks that'll do me a HUGE favour, one i've been racking my brains to settle all my life. Quick, before sch starts like in 2 days!

okay updates on the past few days in Austin before and since the other 2 guys decided to do a crazy road trip to Las Vegas and dropping all qualms abt e accomodation or sch administration while me n WL took a more laidback version and got to know Austin much, much better. Not as exciting as sleeping along exotic streets and getting fined for speeding on the highway of course, but very useful in navigating our way around town, getting ready for the semester and checking out the local food!!

Here's the car we got the 2nd day we reached Austin - a white Lincoln..way cooler than a Mercs Benz! (and a lil' hard on e gas too of course) - the same one the guys took to Vegas too :

And here's where we went with it!

haha okay this is my amateurish photo-edit using paint..not bad la hor can pass..anw as u can tell..there were many MANY famous brands at this HUGE factory outlet called Prime Outlet.

You see that black sign on e right bottom, that's just one of like 20 signs situated around Prime indicating like 100 other brands like Coach, Nike, Sony, Victoria's Secret, Juicy Couture, Calvin Klein, Nine West, etcetcetc!!

And that pic of me holding all those bags, well, sigh sad to say..most were the GUYS' buys!! :( i only got one Armani Exchange tank top for $19.90 while WL got a $49.90 jeans from there. Waikit got a VS nightwear for his gf and jeans frm AX while Justin got some CK underwear.

Incase u think i'm insane or a really bad okay..i'm just waiting for my parents to come over soon so i can bring them here!! *ching-ching sound of $$$$* YAYs!! or i'll juz go end of sch term so at least i know i won't splurge b4 sch starts! =]

yupyup..oh and we got our first Chinese food that day at Prime Outlet..huge servings of oily Lo Mein and Fried Rice but it was really good!! Beats burgers anyday!

So, that was last Saturday until e 2 guys drove away on Sunday.
Here's some updates and pics on WL and my tour ard Austin the last couple of days since!

Firstly, to my lil' bro back at home..i found Sandy Cheeks in Texas!!! haha..incase u don't know, Sandy Cheeks is one of Spongebob's pals in Bikini Bottom and she came frm Texas! Squirrels bounce all around town here..and they're super in front of u and stare with their 'wassup' look then scamper away.

I've been getting really fit(ter) and tanned these last few days since we walk at least 5 miles per day in 38-40 deg celcius flipping our road maps like typical tourists. We finally found Walmart which is on the contrary to popular belief, DAMN rare in Austin la! There's like 2 here and super far away. Since we took the public bus or what they call the Metro here (which comes every half hour) we ended up walking most of the way in the end.

The stuff they sell at Walmart are Gigantic! Huge peanut butter jars, Family-sized packs of chips, Gallons of various juices and SUPER CHEAP Haagen Daaz and Ben & Jerry's IceCream!!!

Lol okay i that's enough pics for now alr..damn tiring to use paint..not pro one. haha kk end off here then!

I miss SG already!! :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Texas is Seriously Smokin'!!

It is 8+pm in Austin, Texas now but looks like 5pm in Singapore!! The sun works overtime here in texas..otherwise it'd actually pass as a great place to visit.

We landed in Austin at 5.30am in the morning instead of 11.20pm as planned due to the double flight delays frm LA to the transit state of Phoenix - there was bad weather there and Phoenix airport closed temporarily so we had to transit at Las Vegas - then frm Las Vegas to Austin there was another flight delay again due to bad weather wherever the plane was coming from. In all, we spent the whole day waiting for airport shuttle from Econolodge, went thru e super thorough and strict customs check at the LA airport, delayed flight at LA, delayed flight at Las Vegas, then supershuttle to Rodeway in at Austin where i'm cramming in now with e 3 guys.

Like seriously. Our luggage bags cover the entire room and walking to the teeny bathroom is hazardous itself. but the guys are nice. =]

It's not so bad travelling ard with the 3 smartasses after all! One's a Garang soldier - everything also whack, but he's our shen driver, one's a Great Map Reader and has face moisturiser! and the last is a walking calculator who takes very good care of me :) Go figure.

Well these 5 days have been really swell, altho we got REALLY LOST today finding our apartment ard the University..we walked the highway for 2 hours in like 38-40deg celcius!! Absolutely nuts la..we're all burnt already..Waikit's alr peeling!

okay anw downtown Austin is pretty cool..they're all about the Longhorn bull, which is their National mascot or sth..we got free T-shirts frm setting up accounts at the bank today! haha..but the heat is seriously's everything we were warned about..u think SG is hot? Wait till u come here when the very AIR u breathe in is toasted! Totally feels like we're walking in a grill. And u dont sweat much coz e air is dry and ur lips get all flaky..

lol alright that's enough griping abt e heat frm me..oh i have to say we got a really cool apartment today! but can only move in Aug 16 which is damn long which means we have to cram in this super small bunk for a coupla days more *urgh*.. i hope we'll be doing more travelling like to Canada or San Antonio for major shopping! haha like 1 more wk b4 sch starts anw..

Speaking of which..I MISS KR yo!! Wish i was there to watch the rethrone-ing of KR as Champions of e Chancellor's Shield! Wish i was there to watch Leo dance his elfish dance! Wish I was there to gasp at how much $$ we pooled for Flag this year! Wish i will be there when DnD starts to see more familiar faces with pageant titles! *sigh* oh and good luck my good pal WeeKiat (in ntu) for pageant! I bet u'll get Mr Personality or sth like that haha.. =]

oh i'm supp to upload pics frm LA's Manhattan beach & The Grove before i goes!

(will edit/post later haha upload super slow)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Leaving Singapore...

...was a little painful at first.

The thought of going away with 3 (chinese high/dean listers/supertall & skinny) guys was quite depressing. I think at the last moment i just freaked out and burst-ed into tears just before entering the gate. i mean like, 5months3guys1girl - cookingcleaningdoinggirlstuffs might be just me, myself n I = ArGhHH!!

haha okay i overreacted..but hey, it's my first time leaving SG for so long alone and away frm my twin..just a bit of tearing and a little emoness at the departure gate. and the 2nd Floor guys came to wave us goodbye!! super sweet la!! THANKS GUYS!! (look at their squinty little eyes and cheesy smiles - aww forfeited sleep for big friendship!)

yupyup and my loyal fan Maoch came too!! haha thanks maoch! hope u get more hot dates this sem..muz update me k! =]


Day 1: Rented a car and got our very first true-blue American Burger at In-n-Out! Apparently it's this really popular fastfood chain in LA, California and their burgers are great! but they only have 3 different meal sets leh!! Set 1: Double Double (e guys all got this coz we were really hungry, it was a double patty & cheese burger), Set 2: Cheeseburger (i got this one), Set 3: Hamburger. That's it! and everyone eats here almost everyday..urgh)

Next, we drove around to Beverly Hills - the place with all e hugeass houses and humongous cars!! All e rich pple and castle-like mansions..but couldnt get nice pics of e houses coz most had big metal gates and long driveways so we could only see e exotic flowers lining their sidewalks..

"Beverly Hills, that's where i wanna in Beverly Hills!"

The rest of e day was spent sleeping in the car and trying not to get scorched by the super hot sun..there are ZERO clouds in LA! the weather is swell, don't get me wrong, its 20-odd deg celcius but the sun sears right thru ur eyeballs!

Day 2: Universal Studios!!!

This, is an AWESOME place! the rides are really cool - Hollywood movie effects are damn good la!! LA is the birthplace of moviemakers - a really talented bunch of folks i must say~

okay shall let the pics speak for themselves:

Day 3: Cycling at Manhattan Beach and Shopping at The Grove!

[okay i've gotta go catch my texas flight now - will upload e gorgeous pics taken at e beach (the beach never ends along the coast!) and The Grove, which was this beautiful shopping area downtown LA - when i reach texas! bye for now!]

Saturday, August 2, 2008

T'was a Perfect Ending II

[Saturday, 19th July, 2008]
Alrights i’m finally getting down to penning down the 2nd half of my last few happening days in SG before going off to a more happening place. Now, before this gets overdue and pple start hounding me for the awesome pics taken, I’ll splat a few pics here first:


(disclaimer: more pics of us coming up..haha)

Despite the stormy weather...

...the rain didn't dampen our spirits..

..and the first few guests to arrive!!

Ablk flies + bee + krist in matching colours/outfits and emo joe who is just extra..

Cheryl Wee and Roy Fong lookin' good!

Couply-dressed couples like Sherry + BF

and XiuZhen + TzeWee!and these 2 totally compatible guys frm sis' JC class!

my 2 beloved Farahs!!

a weird pic taken with Emo Joe and Haox... my cheesy neighbour!

and a really happy A block pic!! =]

Embarassing myself with the birthday speech and getting my key of freedom..

and of course...introducing my KickAss Family!!
here's 04s46, my super-long-nv-meet-up-alr VJ's been a while guys but still, better late than never!
C Block!!!
my favorite block in KR - A block again!!

FWOCers '08!

my fav Bizad pple maoch +Serene+ Sherry + bf.. and SJ and HS - CedarBand!
and one and only (saikang) Warrior - WL!!

U are the best!!! =]

yupyup.. so that's my very first big party ever, and the best present i have for my 21st! (before i get to disneyworld that is *grin*) and dang i shld totally get photoshop for e pics..haha but I still love all u fabulous peeps!! *muacks*

This last week before texas, me n WL crashed FWOC '0809..oh man so much we're gonna be missing when we leave this sem!! My JC boys are comin' leonard, lance, zicheng, kwek, etc and the others in smu/ntu..all fresh n innocent for'd be great if i was e one inducting them into e tertiary system..esp 1st sem when they're still like blank slates..haha oh wells..

FWOC this year is seems pretty cool..i love the new mass dance! super easy for someone who's as psycho-moto as me can't rmb dance steps and e freshie gals this year aren't too bad looking too i must say..thanks to our buaya senior guys who handpicked them..can't say so for the majority of the freshie guys though..*boohoo*..since most aren't type/frequency anw..

and the Dating Game is going really well this year! On my count, so far my Sis has 2 guys hot on her heels, TzeWee has 3 girls after him..i must say this year freshies are nuts! haha so fun rite..(wave of nostalgia)..ok i'm goin off to crash e bbq over there now! this blog took me 3 days to write coz of e slow uploading of pics..whew..alrights signing off here!