Saturday, August 2, 2008

T'was a Perfect Ending II

[Saturday, 19th July, 2008]
Alrights i’m finally getting down to penning down the 2nd half of my last few happening days in SG before going off to a more happening place. Now, before this gets overdue and pple start hounding me for the awesome pics taken, I’ll splat a few pics here first:


(disclaimer: more pics of us coming up..haha)

Despite the stormy weather...

...the rain didn't dampen our spirits..

..and the first few guests to arrive!!

Ablk flies + bee + krist in matching colours/outfits and emo joe who is just extra..

Cheryl Wee and Roy Fong lookin' good!

Couply-dressed couples like Sherry + BF

and XiuZhen + TzeWee!and these 2 totally compatible guys frm sis' JC class!

my 2 beloved Farahs!!

a weird pic taken with Emo Joe and Haox... my cheesy neighbour!

and a really happy A block pic!! =]

Embarassing myself with the birthday speech and getting my key of freedom..

and of course...introducing my KickAss Family!!
here's 04s46, my super-long-nv-meet-up-alr VJ's been a while guys but still, better late than never!
C Block!!!
my favorite block in KR - A block again!!

FWOCers '08!

my fav Bizad pple maoch +Serene+ Sherry + bf.. and SJ and HS - CedarBand!
and one and only (saikang) Warrior - WL!!

U are the best!!! =]

yupyup.. so that's my very first big party ever, and the best present i have for my 21st! (before i get to disneyworld that is *grin*) and dang i shld totally get photoshop for e pics..haha but I still love all u fabulous peeps!! *muacks*

This last week before texas, me n WL crashed FWOC '0809..oh man so much we're gonna be missing when we leave this sem!! My JC boys are comin' leonard, lance, zicheng, kwek, etc and the others in smu/ntu..all fresh n innocent for'd be great if i was e one inducting them into e tertiary system..esp 1st sem when they're still like blank slates..haha oh wells..

FWOC this year is seems pretty cool..i love the new mass dance! super easy for someone who's as psycho-moto as me can't rmb dance steps and e freshie gals this year aren't too bad looking too i must say..thanks to our buaya senior guys who handpicked them..can't say so for the majority of the freshie guys though..*boohoo*..since most aren't type/frequency anw..

and the Dating Game is going really well this year! On my count, so far my Sis has 2 guys hot on her heels, TzeWee has 3 girls after him..i must say this year freshies are nuts! haha so fun rite..(wave of nostalgia)..ok i'm goin off to crash e bbq over there now! this blog took me 3 days to write coz of e slow uploading of pics..whew..alrights signing off here!


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